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Dr Katharine Noonan

Head of Strategy, END RHD

Katharine Noonan

Honorary Research Associate

MBBS (Hons) MSc

Dr Katharine Noonan completed her medical training in WA and works in paediatrics at Perth Children’s Hospital. Katharine holds a Masters in Global Health Science from the University of Oxford, where she studied as a Rhodes scholar. She previously worked with the NHS for a public sector consulting firm in London, and as Policy and Research Lead with the Australian Medical Association (WA).

Katharine currently works with the Strep A, RHD and Skin Health team as Head of Strategy for END RHD.


The END RHD CRE: Developing an end game for rheumatic heart disease in Australia

Australian Strep A Vaccine Initiative (ASAVI)

The Australian Strep A Vaccine Initiative (ASAVI) is an Australian-led global initiative with the goal of reducing the disease burden caused by Group A Streptococcus (Strep A) infection through effective vaccination.


Published research

The epidemiology of superficial Streptococcal A (impetigo and pharyngitis) infections in Australia: A systematic review

Streptoccocal A (Strep A, GAS) infections in Australia are responsible for significant morbidity and mortality through both invasive (iGAS) and post-streptococcal (postGAS) diseases as well as preceding superficial (sGAS) skin and throat infection. The burden of iGAS and postGAS are addressed in some jurisdictions by mandatory notification systems; in contrast, the burden of preceding sGAS has no reporting structure, and is less well defined.

Improving the well-being for young people living with rheumatic heart disease: A peer support pilot program through Danila Dilba Health Service

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia have an inequitable burden of acute rheumatic fever (ARF) and rheumatic heart disease (RHD), concentrated among young people and necessitating ongoing medical care during adolescence. There is an unmet need for improved well-being and support for these young people to complement current biomedical management.

Protocol for the systematic review of the epidemiology of superficial Streptococcal A infections (skin and throat) in Australia

We have produced a protocol for the comprehensive systematic review of the current literature around superficial group A Streptococcal infections in Australia.

Ending rheumatic heart disease in Australia: the evidence for a new approach

The RHD Endgame Strategy: the blueprint to eliminate rheumatic heart disease in Australia by 2031 (the Endgame Strategy) is the blueprint to eliminate rheumatic heart disease (RHD) in Australia by 2031. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people live with one of the highest per capita burdens of RHD in the world.

Education and Qualifications
  • Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (Honours) – University of Western Australia
  • Masters of Global Health Science (Distinction) – University of Oxford
  • Sydney Child Health Program – University of Sydney