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New Rheumatic Heart Disease Centre

The Kids Research Institute Australia is proud to announce the launch of a world class Centre of Research Excellence in rheumatic heart disease (RHD).

The Kids Research Institute Australia is proud to announce the launch of a world class Centre of Research Excellence in rheumatic heart disease (RHD).

The new centre, called END RHD CRE, is funded by the National Health and Medical Council of Australia and lead by The Kids Research Institute Australia researchers.

Rheumatic heart disease is permanent damage to the heart following acute rheumatic fever (ARF). It can lead to heart failure, cardiac surgery and even death.

Australian Indigenous people, particularly children, have among the highest recorded rates of RHD in the world.  It particularly affects people living in regional Western Australia, the Northern Territory, Far North Queensland and remote regions of South Australia and New South Wales.

Director of The Kids Research Institute Australia, Professor Jonathan Carapetis, who is also Director of the END RHD CRE, said the new centre brings together 20 investigators, 16 institutions and a broad range of collaborators to identify the steps and interim targets needed to end RHD in Australia.

"This is the first time that any country has had the opportunity to build a comprehensive, evidence-based strategy for ending Rheumatic Heart disease," he said.

"We need to talk about getting rid of this disease.  If there is one country in the world that should be able to eliminate rheumatic heart disease, it is Australia.  It kills too many Australian kids and the sad thing is it is preventable."