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The Kids Research Institute Australia launches Covid-19 booster research to inform Australia’s vaccine policy

Optimising our national Covid-19 vaccine program could be one step closer thanks to new research now underway at The Kids Research Institute Australia investigating the most effective, long-term strategies for booster vaccinations.

Optimising our national Covid-19 vaccine program

Optimising our national Covid-19 vaccine program could be one step closer thanks to new research now underway at The Kids Research Institute Australia investigating the most effective, long-term strategies for booster vaccinations.

The Platform Trial in Covid-19 Vaccine Boosting (PICOBOO) will investigate whether immunity can be maximised by “mixing” vaccine booster types and how long this protection lasts, as well as evaluate how strategies may need to differ depending on age and previously administered Covid-19 vaccines.

Funded by a $4.1 million grant from the Federal Government through the Medical Research Future Fund, the three-year project will also examine whether multiple variants of Covid-19 have the same reaction to vaccine boosters.

Led by Professor Peter Richmond, Head of the Vaccines Trials Group at the Wesfarmers Centre of Vaccines and Infectious Diseases at The Kids Research Institute Australia and Head of Paediatrics at UWA Medical School, the results of PICOBOO will be rapidly disseminated and translated to inform national and potentially global COVID-19 immunisation practice and policy.

“Australians have had access to Pfizer or Moderna mRNA vaccines, as well as the Astra Zeneca viral vector vaccine and now Novavax, so this research will provide high-quality data to determine which vaccine combinations work best in providing the strongest initial antibody response and long-lasting immune protection,” said Professor Richmond.

“It is currently unclear if additional COVID-19 booster vaccination will be necessary soon and, if so, whether fourth and future booster doses will be required for all Australians or only select age groups or vulnerable populations such as the elderly, pregnant women and those with other medical conditions.

“People are also seeking answers on what the future holds with Covid-19 as a regular fixture in our lives, such as if there will be a need for an annual Covid-19 vaccine like influenza and if booster vaccinations will be required before travelling overseas to places where other strains may be dominant.

“This research will play a vital role in answering these questions and ensuring we have the best possible Covid-19 vaccine strategy for all Australians going forward, as well as providing ongoing surveillance to tailor the program as additional variants of the virus emerge and new vaccines become available,” said Professor Richmond.

PICOBOO includes collaborators from The Kids Research Institute Australia, The University of Western Australia, Perth Children’s Hospital, Launceston General Hospital, RMIT University, The University of Adelaide, The University of Sydney, and The Doherty Institute.

Recruitment is now underway in Perth, with study sites in Adelaide and Launceston soon to follow.

Visit the PICOBOO Study page for more information or to register your interest.