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Working Together Second Edition

This 2nd edition is intended for staff and students and all health practitioners working in areas that support Indigenous mental health and wellbeing.

The 2nd Edition of Working Together: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health and Wellbeing Principles and Practice (eds Pat Dudgeon, Helen Milroy and Roz Walker).

Published in 2014, Working Together was funded by the Australian Government Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, The Kids Research Institute Australia/Kulunga Aboriginal Research Development Unit in collaboration with the University of Western Australia.

This 2nd edition is intended for staff and students and all health practitioners working in areas that support Indigenous mental health and wellbeing. It includes several new chapters and provides a high quality, comprehensive examination of issues and strategies influencing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental health and social and emotional wellbeing. We wish to confirm that all hard copies of the 2nd Edition have now been widely distributed to services, mental health practitioners, educators and other stakeholders around Australia and the book is now only available online. 

It examines issues across the life course, with a greater focus on children and young people; the significant impacts of mental health in the justice system; the cultural determinants of social and emotional wellbeing and intellectual and developmental disabilities. It includes holisitic models of care, as well as interdisciplinary and inter-professional approaches and working with carers to deliver an even more robust text and resource.

You can download the full book in PDF format (588 pages)

Individual sections and chapters (PDF downloads) may be downloaded by clicking on each link.


Contents and Introduction 

Charge by Rob Riley

Nine Guiding Principles 

Part 1: History and Contexts

1. Aboriginal Social, Cultural and Historical Contexts
Pat Dudgeon, Michael Wright, Yin Paradies, Darren Garvey and Iain Walker

2. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health: An Overview
Robert Parker and Helen Milroy

3. A History of Indigenous Psychology
Pat Dudgeon, Debra Rickwood, Darren Garvey and Heather Gridley

4. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social and Emotional Wellbeing
Graham Gee, Pat Dudgeon, Clinton Schultz, Amanda Hart and Kerrie Kelly

5. The Evolving Policy Context in Mental Health and Wellbeing
Stephen R. Zubrick, Christopher Holland, Kerrie Kelly, Tom Calma and Roz Walker

Part 2: Issues and Influences

6. Social Determinants of Social and Emotional Wellbeing
Stephen R. Zubrick, Carrington CJ Shepherd, Pat Dudgeon, Graham Gee, Yin Paradies, Clair Scrine and Roz Walker

7. Mental Illness in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
Robert Parker and Helen Milroy

8. Harmful Substance Use and Mental Health
Edward Wilkes, Dennis Gray, Wendy Casey, Anna Stearne and Lawrence Dadd

9. Preventing Suicide Among Aboriginal Australians
Sven Silburn, Gary Robinson, Bernard Leckning, Darrell Henry, Adele Cox and Darryl Kickett

10. Mental Disorder and Cognitive Disability in the Criminal Justice System
Ed Heffernan, Kimina Andersen, Elizabeth McEntyre and Stuart Kinner

Part 3: Standards, Principles and Practice

11. Introduction to National Standards for the Mental Health Workforce
Roz Walker

12. Cultural Competence - Transforming Policy, Services, Programs and Practice
Roz Walker, Clinton Schultz and Christopher Sonn

13. Interdisciplinary Care to Enhance Mental Health and Social and Emotional Wellbeing
Clinton Schultz, Roz Walker, Dawn Bessarab, Faye McMillan, Jane MacLeod and Rhonda Marriott

14. Reframing Aboriginal Family Caregiving
Michael Wright

15. Communicating and Engaging with Diverse Communities
Pat Dudgeon and Karen Ugle

Part 4: Assessment and Management 

16. Principles of Practice in Mental Health Assessment with Aboriginal Australians
Yolonda Adams, Neil Drew and Roz Walker

17. Addressing Individual and Community Transgenerational Trauma
Judy AThe Kidsnson, Jeff Nelson, Robert Brooks, Caroline AThe Kidsnson and Kelleigh Ryan

18. Intellectual Disability in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People
Robert Parker, Sivasankaran Balaratnasingam, Meera Roy, James Huntley and Annette Mageean

Part 5: Working with Children, Families and Communities

19. Perinatal and Infant Mental Health and Wellbeing
Rhonda Marriott and Sue Ferguson-Hill

20. Addressing Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in Aboriginal Communities
Lorian Hayes, Heather D'Antoine and Maureen Carter

21. Understanding the Lives of Aboriginal Children and Families
Helen Milroy

22. Working with Behavioural and Emotional Problems in Young People
Roz Walker, Monique Robinson, Jenny Adermann and Marilyn A. Campbell

23. Family Violence: Pathways Forward
Kyllie Cripps and Michael Adams

Part 6: Healing Models and Programs

24. Community Life and Development Programs - Pathways to Healing
Helen Milroy, Pat Dudgeon and Roz Walker

25. Enhancing Wellbeing, Empowerment, Healing and Leadership
Pat Dudgeon, Roz Walker, Clair Scrine, Kathleen Cox, Divina D'Anna,Cheryl Dunkley, Kerrie Kelly and Katherine Hams

26. Strong Spirit Strong Mind Model - Informing Policy and Practice
Wendy Casey

27. Red Dust Healing: Acknowledging the Past, Changing the Future
Tom Powell, Randal Ross, Darryl Kickett and James F. Donnelly

28. Seven Phases to Integrating Loss and Grief
Rosemary Wanganeen

29. The Marumali Program: Healing for Stolen Generations
Lorraine Peeters, Shaan Hamann and Kerrie Kelly

30. Aboriginal Offender Rehabilitation Programs
Victoria Hovane, Tania Dalton (Jones) and Peter Smith

31. The Djirruwang Program: Cultural Affirmation for Effective Mental Health
Tom Brideson, Jane Havelka, Faye McMillan and Len Kanowski

Maps of Australia Aboriginal Language Groups and Distribution
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Terminology
Programs and Services
Contributing Authors
The Boatshed Racism Roundtable Declaration