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Resources for trans and gender diverse young people

Sometimes it’s hard to know where to go to get helpful, credible information about mental health for trans or gender diverse young people.

Here are some good places to start getting information that might be helpful.

If you are feeling really down or thinking about suicide it’s important to get as much support as possible, including professional support. If you feel in danger or that you might hurt yourself, do not hesitate to call Emergency Services on 000. Otherwise, call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or go to our Get Help Now page for more options.

Download the resource sheet as a PDF

Resources info services for young people

  • Transhub – Information and resources for trans and gender diverse people in Australia. Includes resources on staying healthy and seeking support.
  • QLife - Information and resources about LGBTI diversity and mental health, and support or referrals through telephone counselling or webchat
  • Charlee Charlee is an LGBTQIA+ suicide prevention hub for people who have thought about suicide, supported others in distress or lost someone to suicide. This article is all about finding the right support if you need help.
  • RightByYou RightByYou is a mental health resource for friends of young people at risk. It gives guidance on supporting yourself whilst you support others and information to help you understand more about what they might be going through.
  • Minus18 - Information on gender and sexuality based in Melbourne.
  • Kids Helpline KidsHelpline not only offer phone and webchat support but also have online information sheets with information and strategies.
  • headspace - Information on mental health and LGBTI diversity, local LGBTQI groups and counselling, and online and telephone support and chat counselling through eheadpace. Contact your local headspace centre or
  • Youth Beyond Blue - Information and support online or by phone.
  • - Online information and chat support for mental health, including coping with stressbullying and more.

Resources for family members

  • Transforming Families Resources and information for parents of trans and gender diverse children. Includes links to peer support groups for families and young people.
  • Parents of Gender Diverse Children- A national peer support organisation based in Australia for parents of trans and gender diverse children. They have groups in most states and people based across the country to help parents out.
  • Transcend Australia Support for trans children, young people and their families. Transcend host a range of resources and you can contact them to help find support.
  • PFLAG+ Australia Support for families, parents, carers and friends of the LGBTQIA+ community Australia wide. You can find a list of PFLAG groups in your area on their site

Key state and territory based services

Australian Capital Territory

  • A Gender Agenda - A Gender Agenda work with, and on behalf of, intersex, trans and gender diverse people, their friends, families and allies in Canberra and the surrounding region.

New South Wales

  • Twenty10 - Twenty10 supports people across Sydney and New South Wales who may be LGBTIQA+. They have a range of services for young people including support groups for those aged 12-25 years.
  • Gender Centre - Support and information for trans people. Offers services such as information, counselling, family support, speech pathology, housing support and school support.


  • Open Doors Youth Service - support young people who identify as LGBTIQAP+ aged 12-24 across South East Queensland. 
  • Trans Health SA - Trans Health SA is a volunteer group that exists to provide information and support for the health needs of trans and gender diverse people in South Australia. They have information on a range of peer support groups for young people and young adults.
  • Thorne Harbour Health – Specialist mental health support for 16+ LGBTQIA+ in Adelaide
  • SHINE SA Shine SA offer information, resources and links to other support services in South Australia.


  • Working It Out- Tasmania’s sexuality, gender and intersex support and education service. Provides in person and online support for parents and young people through support sessions and community events.
  • Transgender Victoria - Provide information and referrals for gender diverse related services, education and awareness, and peer support for young people.
  • Queerspace Youth - Queerspace Youth is a peer-led program for Queer, Trans, Intersex, Gender Diverse or questioning people aged 16-25 years old. They run monthly support groups and regular events.
  • Brophy Family and Youth Services In person and online events for LGBTQIA+ young people in regional Victoria.

Western Australia

  • TransFolk of WA - Community and peer support for trans folks and their families.
  • Freedom Centre - A safe space to support young people under 26 with diverse sexuality, gender, and sex. They run drop-in and online sessions, workshops, and training as well as parent support groups.

Northern Territory