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In utero exposure to low dose arsenic via drinking water impairs early life lung mechanics in mice

All alterations to lung mechanics following in utero arsenic exposure were recovered by adulthood.

Ramsey KA, Larcombe AN, Sly PD, Zosky GR

Authors notes:
BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology. 2013;14:13

Animal model, Arsenic, Environmental exposure, Growth & development, Lung function

Exposure to arsenic via drinking water is a significant environmental issue affecting millions of people around the world.

Exposure to arsenic during foetal development has been shown to impair somatic growth and increase the risk of developing chronic respiratory diseases.

The aim of this study was to determine if in utero exposure to low dose arsenic via drinking water is capable of altering lung growth and postnatal lung mechanics.

In utero exposure to low dose arsenic via drinking water resulted in low birth weight and impaired parenchymal lung mechanics during infancy.

Male offspring were more susceptible to the effects of arsenic on growth and lung mechanics than females.

All alterations to lung mechanics following in utero arsenic exposure were recovered by adulthood.

Exposure to arsenic at the current WHO maximum contaminant level in utero impaired somatic growth and the development of the lungs resulting in alterations to lung mechanics during infancy.

Deficits in growth and lung development in early life may contribute to the increased susceptibility of developing chronic respiratory disease in arsenic exposed human populations.