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Lao PDR. Early childhood education project Snapshot one: project background and baseline data demographics

This snapshot describes demographic information of the 7,520 children in the baseline sample, including where and how they live.

Brinkman, SA; Sincovich, A; Cerdan-Infantes, P; Danchev, PN. 2016. Lao People's Democratic Republic – Early Childhood Education Project : snapshot one – project background and baseline data demographics. Lao PDR Early Childhood Education Project Snapshot One: Project Background and Baseline Data Demographics. Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

This is the first of four snapshot reports presenting preliminary findings from the Early Childhood Education Study. The ECE Study was initiated to evaluate the Early Childhood Education Project in Lao People's Democratic Republic (PDR). This snapshot describes demographic information of the 7,520 children in the baseline sample, including where and how they live.