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Clinical acceptability of the sense_assess© kids: Children and youth perspectives

This study has demonstrated the acceptability of sense_assess© kids for the population for whom it is intended

Taylor S, McLean B, Blair E, Carey LM, Valentine J, Girdler S, Elliot C. Clinical acceptability of the sense_assess© kids: Children and youth perspectives. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal. 2018;65(2):79-88

Adolescence; cerebral palsy; child development; sensation; upper limb function

Background: The sense_assess© kids is a standardised, norm-referenced assessment designed to measure the functional somatosensation capacity of the upper limb of children with cerebral palsy. The objective of the current study was to determine if the sense_assess© kids was clinically acceptable to children and youth.

Methods: A questionnaire was completed by participants following administration of the sense_assess© kids by a trained occupational therapist. Twenty-six children with spastic hemiplegic cerebral palsy (aged 6-15 years six months; mean 10 years eight months; 16 boys) were recruited. Participants responded to questions regarding the administration and level of difficulty of the sense_assess© kids using a Q-Sort of 'like' and 'dislike', Likert scales and short answers. Content analysis was applied.

Results: Twenty-one of twenty-six children, indicated that they were 'very happy' or 'happy' with the administration process of the sense_assess© kids. Most participants indicated that they liked the sensation they felt in the hand when tested.

Conclusion: This study has demonstrated the acceptability of sense_assess© kids for the population for whom it is intended.