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Genome analysis and phenotypic characterization of Halomonas hibernica isolated from a traditional food process with novel quorum quenching and catalase activities

Traditional food processes can utilize bacteria to promote positive organoleptic qualities and increase shelf life. Wiltshire curing has a vital bacterial component that has not been fully investigated from a microbial perspective.

Woods DF, Kozak IM, O'Gara F. Genome analysis and phenotypic characterization of Halomonas hibernica isolated from a traditional food process with novel quorum quenching and catalase activities. Microbiology. 2022;168(9)

Catalase; food; genome; Halomonas hibernica; phylogeny; quorum sensing inhibition; bacterial DNA; fatty acid; RNA 16S; DNA sequence; genetics

Traditional food processes can utilize bacteria to promote positive organoleptic qualities and increase shelf life. Wiltshire curing has a vital bacterial component that has not been fully investigated from a microbial perspective.