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Transforming Families

We want to better understand the relationship between parents/carers and their children who identify as trans or gender diverse with the aim of improving the well-being of the whole family.

Supporting caregivers of trans children and young people 


Associate Professor Yael Perry, Professor Ashleigh Lin, Dr Penelope Strauss, Dr Helen Morgan, Holly Moss

Project description:

Parents commonly find their young person’s gender identity journey challenging; many also report lack of support and resources. Many young people who identify as trans or gender diverse are at high risk of poor mental health and experience high rates of difficulties in their family relationships. The aim of this project was to better understand the relationships between parents/carers and their children under 25 who identify as trans or gender diverse, to improve the well-being of the whole family. The information obtained from the first phase of this study is being used to develop the Transforming Families website in collaboration with parents and our partner organisations. Transforming Families will host a suite of resources and information to help parents better understand and support their child. We will evaluate its acceptability and effectiveness in terms of parental wellbeing, parental acceptance of having a gender diverse child and the quality of the parent-child relationship.

Project outputs:

The Transforming Families site has launched.

Funders of the project:


External collaborators:

Transcend Australia, Parents of Gender Diverse Children, Transfolk of WA, The Gender Centre, Commissioner for Children and Young People WA, Freedom Centre, Perth Inner City Youth Serivce, ACON.


For more information please contact Dr Helen Morgan on 08 6319 1096 or via email at