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An Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parenting program

The aim of this project is to develop and implement a culturally safe, responsive and trauma-informed parenting program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families.

Our investigators

Professor Helen Milroy, Professor Jeneva Ohan, Dr Nita Alexander, Dr Alix Woolard, Rebeka Morrison, Aysa Bahar Arjmand


Professor Helen Milroy, Professor Catherine Chamberlain, Professor Jeneva Ohan, Dr Nita Alexander, Dr Marshall Watson, Dr Alix Woolard, Dr Debra Singh, Dr Pradeep Rao, Dr Talila Milroy, Professor Sven Silburn, Laurel Sellers, Rebeka Morrison, Aysa Bahar Arjmand

Project description

Family relationships, kinship, and connection to country and culture form the foundation of community wellbeing for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Aboriginal culture is an asset often not harnessed by mainstream parenting programs and the legacy of ongoing intergenerational trauma that communities, families and children is not recognised.

The aim of this project is to develop and implement a culturally safe, responsive and trauma-informed parenting program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families.

This parenting program will be co-designed with advisory groups comprising of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders, professionals and service-providers, as well as parents, families and caregivers. The program will be piloted with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families who have children between the ages of 2 and 6 years. This program will be evaluated as to the impact, cultural safety and potential for roll-out to other communities beyond Boorloo.

Looking ahead, the project aims to provide a framework for co-designing a culturally safe parenting program that assists parents sand caregivers of young children to enhance their wellbeing and relationships.

For more information, please contact the team on or the Project Lead, Dr Nita Alexander on

Funders of the project

Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Indigenous