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The CliniBank Study: A research project to improve future clinical supports for children experiencing developmental difficulties

Investigators: Prof Andrew Whitehouse, Ms Gemma Upson, Dr Katia Haines, Ms Sarah Pillar, Dr Maryam Boutrus, Ms Samantha Rivers, Ms Debbie Eamer, Dr Gail Alvares

Project description

The aim of this project is to collect data on children receiving intervention services at CliniKids. By creating a databank and analysing this data, we hope to learn more about which interventions work best for particular children, and which ingredients are key to successful interventions and outcomes. This information may help us improve or develop new interventions for children with developmental concerns. By linking clinical practise with research, we aim to translate research findings into real-world settings for the immediate benefit of children and families.

Project outputs

The primary project output is change in the following parent-report and child development measures overtime in response to intervention services.

Parent/Guardian Questionnaires

  1. Child and Family History Questionnaire
  2. Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales (3rd Edition)
  3. The Autism Parenting Stress Index
  4. The Family Quality of Life Survey
  5. The Comprehensive Autistic Trait Inventory

 Objective Measures (Child)

  1. Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (2nd Edition)
  2. Autism Observation Scale for Infants
  3. Mullen Scale of Early Learning
  4. Eliciting Language Samples for Analysis- Toddler
  5. Movement Assessment Battery for Children (2nd Edition)


The project will be funded by the Angela Wright Bennett Foundation ($200,000 p.a. for three years)