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Developmental Pathways in WA Children Project (Developmental Pathways Project)

Chief Investigators: Cate Taylor, Fiona Stanley, Helen Leonard, Jianghong Li, Natasha Nassar, Nick De Klerk, Stephen Zubrick

Project team members: Rebecca Glauert (Project Leader), Fernando Lima, Megan Bell, Melanie Hansen, Melissa O'Donnell, Miriam Maclean, Sam Burrow, Scott Sims, Amanda Langridge, Anett Nyaradi, Carol Orr, Desiree Silva, Eva Malacova, Ifrah Abdullahi, Janice Wong, Jocelyn Jones, Nan Hu

External collaborators: Jane Bell (University of Sydney), Anna Ferrante (Curtin University of Technology), Caitlin Dowell (University of South Australia)

The Developmental Pathways in WA Children Project (Developmental Pathways Project) is a landmark project established in 2005 that takes a multidisciplinary and holistic approach to investigate pathways to health and wellbeing and developmental and social outcomes among Western Australian children and youth. Together with the Department of Health WA, the Developmental Pathways Project, pioneered the process of linking together de-identified longitudinal, population-based data collected and stored by a large number of Western Australian government agencies to create a powerful and unique research and policy planning/evaluation resource for use by researchers and government.


  • Department of Health
  • Department of Communities
  • Department of Justice
  • Department of Treasury
  • Department of Training and Workforce Development
  • Department of the Premier and Cabinet
  • Department of Education
  • School Curriculum and Standards Authority
  • Mental Health Commission
  • WA Police