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Influenza vaccination in Western Australian children: an economic evaluation to inform future state and national programs

Investigators: Chris Blyth, Hannah Moore, Parveen Fathima, Peter Jacoby, Peter Richmond, Rosanne Barnes

External collaborators: Paul Effler (WA Health), Elizabeth Geelhoed (University of Western Australia)

The West Australian Department of Health has recommended and provided free influenza vaccine to healthy preschool children since 2008. This vaccination program, unique to WA, has been recommended in addition to non-influenza vaccines provided to children in other states. We have shown that vaccinated children are less frequently admitted to hospital or need to attend emergency departments or general practitioners. Children vaccinated against influenza are also less likely to spread influenza in the community, thereby reducing the total community burden of disease.

Using local and international data, we will build a mathematical model to estimate the number of West Australians affected by influenza each year under different childhood vaccination schedules. Once developed, we will use this model to evaluate the cost effectiveness of the current WA preschool influenza vaccine program. Applying the costs of the program (vaccine purchase and administration costs) and costs averted through the expected reduction in health-care encounters, we expect to demonstrate that the preschool influenza vaccination program is cost effective, saving the WA Department of Health millions of dollars every year.