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RHD Action

RHD Action is the name given to the global movement to reduce the burden of rheumatic heart disease (RHD) in vulnerable populations of all ages throughout the world. Initiated in September 2014 under the auspices of the UN Every Woman Every Child (EWEC) commitment, this movement will add to ongoing global efforts contributing to the World Health Organization (WHO) and World Heart Federation (WHF) goals to reduce premature mortality by the year 2025.

The driving force behind this global movement are the RHD Action Founding Partners – a coalition of three global organizations – Medtronic Foundation, the World Heart Federation and Reach – working together toward the shared goal of ending RHD.

Critically reinforcing this global movement are the RHD Action Demonstration Countries – a cohort of countries wherein government and partner institutions are actively engaged in achieving specific RHD targets within their geographies, while also strengthening their health systems.

Investigators: Jeremiah Mwangi, Jonathan Carapetis, Rosemary Wyber, Sophie La Vincente

External collaborators: Liesl Zuhlke (University of Cape Town), Salvatore Messin (Reach), David WaThe Kidsns (Reach), Susan Perkins (University of Cape Town), Elizabeth Kennedy (Reach), Kathryn Taubert (AHA)

Partners: Medtronic Foundation, World Heart Federation