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Consultation to Translation: Evaluation of an environmental health video to promote the role of environmental health activities for healthy skin

Investigators: Asha Bowen, Cheryl Bridge, Frieda McLoughlin, Janine McNamara, John Jacky, Jonathan Carapetis, Juli Coffin, Kristen White, Marianne Mullane, Natasha Maginnis, Rachel Donovan, Slade Sibasado, Tracy McRae

External collaborators: Ray Christophers (Nirrumbuk Environment Health and Services), Roz Walker (University of Western Australia)

Environmental health activities are key activities in the prevention of skin infections. Skin infections are common in Aboriginal kids, with skin sores affecting almost one in two children at any one time. The role, responsibilities, capacity and interaction of environmental health staff with other health service providers is not well understood in remote community work.

During the situational analysis and community consultation for the SToP trial, it was clearly articulated that a fun, informative, tool to communicate the scope and opportunities of environmental health activities is a much-needed resource to realise the potential of environmental health activities. The SToP trial is a partnership between The Kids Research Institute Australia, Nirrumbuk Aboriginal Corporation (who provide environmental health services in all of the SToP trial communities), Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services (of which Nirrumbuk is a member organisation) and the WA Country Health Services - Kimberley. Whilst environmental health referrals and services are active in the Kimberley, community consultation and a situational analysis conducted in 2017 has identified the need to produce a resource to improve community involvement and understanding of the importance of good environmental health, for better skin and overall health.

As such, a hip hop video has been recommended as one way to easily, briefly and in a medium that is likely to go 'viral' in remote communities, spread the message about environmental health activities. If funded, choosing the appropriate community to feature in this video would be a consultation process led through Nirrumbuk and the SToP trial team in partnership with The Kids Kimberley. This will be a translational resource for the SToP trial prevention activities and is likely to be of use throughout the HOT NORTH for improved engagement with and delivery of environmental health services.