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Towards evidence based care for Rett syndrome: a research model to inform management of rare disorders

Helen Jenny Leonard Downs MBChB MPH BApplSci (physio) MSc PhD Principal Research Fellow Program Head, Development and Disability +61 419 956 946 08


Does gastrostomy improve the lives of children with severe disability and their families?

Approximately 13,000 children in Australia live with moderate to severe intellectual disability.


A process and impact evaluation of use of a Powered Wheelchair Standing Device by boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy

Graham Jenny Peter Hall Downs Jacoby BAppSci PhD CRFS FANZSRS FThorSoc FERS BApplSci (physio) MSc PhD BA (Hons) MSc Honorary Research Associate


Establishing a national platform for the provision of evidence based practice in Prader-Willi syndrome

Helen Jenny Leonard Downs MBChB MPH BApplSci (physio) MSc PhD Principal Research Fellow Program Head, Development and Disability +61 419 956 946 08


International Rett syndrome study: InterRett

Helen Jenny Leonard Downs MBChB MPH BApplSci (physio) MSc PhD Principal Research Fellow Program Head, Development and Disability +61 419 956 946 08