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A group randomized controlled trial evaluating parent involvement in whole-school actions to reduce bullying

Whole-school capacity-building intervention in early and middle childhood can improve the likelihood and frequency of positive parent–child communication about bullying


The school experiences of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes in Western Australia

Elevated levels of emotional difficulties among school students with T1D and variable levels of support from school staff to assist these students to manage their diabetes at school


Prevalence of Mental Disorders Among Children and Adolescents of Parents with Self-Reported Mental Health Problems

This paper provides Australian population-level estimates of the prevalence of parental self-reported lifetime mental disorders and past 12 month mental disorders in their children


Child-parent agreement on alcohol-related parenting: Opportunities for prevention of alcohol-related harm

Parent non-supply of alcohol and disapproval of use were most important in terms of associations with ever drinking


Children's neighbourhood physical environment and early development: an individual child level linked data study

The neighbourhood physical environment has a weak but significant association with early childhood development


Associations between clusters of early life risk factors and developmental vulnerability at age 5

This study investigated the associations between clusters of early life risk factors and developmental vulnerability in children's first year of full-time school at age 5


Maternal life stress events in pregnancy link to children's school achievement at age 10 years

Maternal antenatal exposure to life stress events has differing effects on the school performance of male and female offspring.


Echoes of disadvantage across generations? The influence of unemployment and separation of grandparents on their grandchildren

This is a rare examination of joblessness over 3 succeeding generations and its onward effects upon children, and is one of the few in the research literature.


Maternal pre-pregnancy body mass index and internalizing and externalizing problems in offspring

Exposure to elevated maternal pre-pregnancy BMI is associated with increased levels of internalizing and externalizing problems throughout childhood and...


Female Empowerment as a Core Driver of Democratic Development: A Dynamic Panel Model from 1980 to 2005

Investigated the causal effects of female empowerment on democratic development for 97 countries from 1980 to 2005.