Gender-Neutral Toilets: A Qualitative Exploration of Inclusive School Environments for Sexuality and Gender Diverse Youth in Western AustraliaSchool toilets have been identified by sexuality and gender diverse (SGD) students as the least safe spaces in educational institutions. They are sites of verbal, physical and sexual victimisation.
Hospitalizations from Birth to 28 Years in a Population Cohort of Individuals Born with Five Rare Craniofacial Anomalies in Western AustraliaTo describe trends, age-specific patterns, and factors influencing hospitalizations for 5 rare craniofacial anomalies.
Supporting the Social-Emotional Well-Being of Elementary School Students Who Are Deaf and Hard of Hearing: A Pilot StudyChildren who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing, their parents, Teachers of the Deaf, and other community stakeholders were involved in co-designing a web-based resource to support students' social-emotional well-being.
Early Years and Disadvantage: Matching Developmental Circumstances in Populations to Prevention and Intervention OpportunitiesIn this chapter we use rich longitudinal data to examine the typical growth of vocabulary in children as they age from 4 years onwards.
Preservice teachers’ accuracy in measuring child engagement using a digitised momentary time sampling measureEngagement has been identified as an important predictor of student outcomes; therefore, teachers’ ability to accurately and objectively measure student engagement is essential and can assist teachers to make instructional decisions based on data rather than perception.
The relationship between physical activity, self-regulation and cognitive school readiness in preschool childrenLimited research exists on the pathways through which physical activity influences cognitive development in the early years. This study examined the direct and indirect relationships between physical activity, self-regulation, and cognitive school readiness in preschool children.
Motivational interviewing as a positive response to high-school bullyingWe provide a narrative review of Motivational Interviewing and map its core features onto the extant literature on self‐reported motivations for bullying
Has the Prevalence of Child and Adolescent Mental Disorders in Australia Changed Between 1998 and 2013 to 2014?This study examined whether the 12-month prevalence of major depressive disorder, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and conduct disorder among 6- to 17-year-olds in Australia changed between 1998 and 2013 to 2014. It also investigated whether changes in the prevalence of disorders over this time varied for children living in families containing 2 parents versus single parents, and families with high versus low income.
Mental disorders in Australian 4- to 17- year olds: Parent-reported need for helpTo describe the extent to which parents report that 4- to 17-year-olds with symptoms meeting Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
A group randomized controlled trial evaluating parent involvement in whole-school actions to reduce bullyingWhole-school capacity-building intervention in early and middle childhood can improve the likelihood and frequency of positive parent–child communication about bullying