Lung homing T-cell generation is dependent on strength and timing of antigen delivery to lymph nodesInhaled allergens are known for their immediate and ongoing effects in the respiratory tract (RT).
Early aberrant antibody responses of aeroallergen sensitised people to subclinical bacterial infectionEarly aberrant antibody responses, aeroallergen sensitised people, subclinical bacterial infection
Examining relationships between vitamin D over the first decade of life and development of asthma and allergyThis study shows for the first time the importance of considering vitamin D levels over a prolonged period during childhood, rather than at just one or two ages
Prediction of asthma in childhood from wheezing phenotypes up to age 3 years: findings from community cohorts in Western Australian and the United KingdomIn this project we are examining how well different wheezing phenotypes in the first 3 years of life predict current asthma in adolescents and young adults.
Developmental-associated dysregulation of innate anti-microbial immunity in early life as a determinant of susceptibility to atopic asthmaOne of the strongest risk factors for asthma is having chest infections during infancy that are so severe that they trigger symptoms of fever & wheeze
Immunobiology & Immunotherapeutic ProgramListed are The Kids Research Institute Australia research teams involved in our Immunity and Inflammation Program. This program sits under the Early Environment research theme.
LPS binding protein and activation signatures are upregulated during asthma exacerbations in childrenAsthma exacerbations in children are associated with respiratory viral infection and atopy, resulting in systemic immune activation and infiltration of immune cells into the airways. The gene networks driving the immune activation and subsequent migration of immune cells into the airways remains incompletely understood. Cellular and molecular profiling of PBMC was employed on paired samples obtained from atopic asthmatic children during acute virus-associated exacerbations and later during convalescence.
Single cell transcriptomics reveals cell type specific features of developmentally regulated responses to lipopolysaccharide between birth and 5 yearsHuman perinatal life is characterized by a period of extraordinary change during which newborns encounter abundant environmental stimuli and exposure to potential pathogens. To meet such challenges, the neonatal immune system is equipped with unique functional characteristics that adapt to changing conditions as development progresses across the early years of life, but the molecular characteristics of such adaptations remain poorly understood.
Immunoinflammatory responses to febrile lower respiratory infections in infants display uniquely complex/intense transcriptomic profilesthe association between infant LRTI and risk for persistent wheeze/asthma in this cohort is generally stronger for fLRTIs than for other infection categories
Systems biology and big data in asthma and allergy: recent discoveries and emerging challengesWe describe recent "omic"-level findings, and examine how these findings have been systematically integrated to generate further insight