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Functional connectivity of the vigilant-attention network in children and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

ADHD patients showed substantially diminished intrinsic coupling for 7 connections and increased coupling for 4 connections


Is sport an untapped resource for recovery from first episode psychosis? A narrative review and call to action

Sport-based interventions could be an opportunity to provide intervention to individuals recovering from their first psychotic episode


Puberty suppression in transgender children and adolescents

We review the available empirical evidence on the cognitive, physical, and surgical implications of puberty suppression in gender-incongruent children and adolescents


Declining transition rates to psychotic disorder in "ultra-high risk" clients: Investigation of a dilution effect

Later ultra-high risk psychosis cohorts presented with different clinical intake characteristics than earlier cohorts


Moderated Online Social Therapy for Carers of Early Psychosis Clients in Real-World Settings: Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial

Family carers of youth recovering from early psychosis experience significant stress; however, access to effective family interventions is poor. Digital interventions provide a promising solution.


Heads up on concussion: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples' knowledge and understanding of mild traumatic brain injury

Concussion awareness and knowledge among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples residing in Perth, Western Australia and factors preventing presentation at a health service for assessment after such an injury.  


The Impact of Early-Life Recurrent Otitis Media in Children on the Psychological Well-Being of Caregivers

Children with early-life recurrent otitis media (OM) will often endure pain, sleep disturbances, and other developmental setbacks that impact the surrounding family system. The aim of this study was to investigate the psychological well-being and family functioning of caregivers of children with early-life recurrent OM (rOM).


Barriers and facilitators to mental health treatment access and engagement for LGBTQA+ people with psychosis: a scoping review protocol

The prevalence of psychosis has been shown to be disproportionately high amongst sexual and gender minority individuals. However, there is currently little consideration of the unique needs of this population in mental health treatment, with LGBTQA+ individuals facing barriers in accessing timely and non-stigmatising support for psychotic experiences. 


The Utility of Natural Language Samples for Assessing Communication and Language in Infants Referred with Early Signs of Autism

Natural Language Sampling (NLS) offers clear potential for communication and language assessment, where other data might be difficult to interpret. We leveraged existing primary data for 18-month-olds showing early signs of autism, to examine the reliability and concurrent construct validity of NLS-derived measures coded from video-of child language, parent linguistic input, and dyadic balance of communicative interaction-against standardised assessment scores. Using Systematic Analysis of Language Transcripts (SALT) software and coding conventions, masked coders achieved good-to-excellent inter-rater agreement across all measures.


Parental Challenges, Facilitators and Needs Associated with Supporting and Accepting Their Trans Child’s Gender

Parental support is strongly correlated with protective factors for trans youth yet most experience parental rejection or ambivalence regarding their gender. Many parents report a desire to support their child but indicate lack of understanding and support as key barriers. We aimed to develop a nuanced understanding of the challenges and facilitators experienced by Australian parents in developing understanding, support and acceptance of their child’s gender and their needs to do so.