
News & Events
EVENT: Aboriginal Health ForumFollowing our highly successful Open Space Forums in 2014, The Kids warmly invites you to our next forum on Aboriginal Health.
News & Events
Warburton Community book launchThe Kids Research Institute Australia Founding Director Professor Fiona Stanley will help launch a series of children's books on Monday, written by local Aboriginal people

News & Events
Gastro gap between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children shrinkingThe world's largest study of gastroenteritis trends in children has shown the disparity between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal health may be improving.
News & Events
New Study Focuses on Teen Sex IssuesWestern Australian researchers are surveying secondary school students to find out what factors put young people at risk of unintended pregnancy.
News & Events
Infections leave life-long scarsHigh rates of recurrent infection are a major risk to the health of Aboriginal children and are comparable to those of third world countries.
Responsive service design and workforce strengthening: Recommendations to improve aged care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoplesThis study aimed to develop innovative and practical strategies and recommendations for aged care policy and practice that support the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Focus Area
Indigenous HealthThe Indigenous Health research theme integrates the needs of Indigenous families and children into all relevant areas of our work. Improving the health and well-being of Indigenous children and families is an overarching priority for every program and team at the Institute.

Working Together Second EditionThis 2nd edition is intended for staff and students and all health practitioners working in areas that support Indigenous mental health and wellbeing.

WAACHS was the largest and most comprehensive survey ever undertaken into the health, wellbeing & development of WA Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander kids
Improving the educational experiences of Aboriginal children and young people