Potentially Pathogenic Organisms in Stools and Their Association With Acute Diarrheal Illness in Children Aged <2 YearsAcute diarrheal illness (ADI) causes a substantial disease burden in high-income countries. We investigated associations between potentially pathogenic organisms in stools and ADI by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in Australian children aged <2 years.
Charting developmental trajectories from 12 to 36 months and associated early risk and protective factorsTo investigate developmental trajectories in early childhood and predictors of class assignment.
Australian hospital paediatricians and nurses’ perspectives and practices for influenza vaccine delivery in children with medical comorbiditiesInfluenza vaccination of children with medical comorbidities is critical due their increased risks for severe influenza disease. In Australia, hospitals are an avenue for influenza vaccine delivery to children with comorbidities but are not always effectively utilised. Qualitative enquiry sought to ascertainment the barriers and enablers for influenza vaccination recommendation, delivery, and recording of these children at Australian hospitals.
A longitudinal examination of perinatal testosterone, estradiol and vitamin D as predictors of handedness outcomes in childhood and adolescenceThe developmental origins of handedness remain elusive, though very early emergence suggests individual differences manifesting in utero could play an important role. Prenatal testosterone and Vitamin D exposure are considered, yet findings and interpretations remain equivocal.
The burden of bacterial skin infection, scabies and atopic dermatitis among urban-living Indigenous children in high-income countries: a protocol for a systematic reviewBacterial skin infections and scabies disproportionately affect children in resource-poor countries as well as underprivileged children in high-income countries. Atopic dermatitis is a common childhood dermatosis that predisposes to bacterial skin infection.
A Gender Lens on User Quality Ratings From Young Teenagers Assessing the Sun Safe App: Comparing Responses From Co-researchers and Participants of Pilot Intervention StudiesWe developed the iOS smartphone app Sun Safe to support healthy sun practices in young teenagers (aged 12-13 years). The production involved co-design with young co-researchers (ie, aged 12-13 years) with a health message of using sun protection when the UV index is ≥3. Important features include real-time and location-specific weather data on the UV index and gamified educational content.
Creating Equitable Opportunities for Language and Literacy Development in Childhood and AdolescenceThe majority of children acquire language effortlessly but approximately 10% of all children find it difficult especially in the early or preschool years with consequences for many aspects of their subsequent development and experience: literacy, social skills, educational qualifications, mental health and employment.
ANGEL2 phosphatase activity is required for non-canonical mitochondrial RNA processingCanonical RNA processing in mammalian mitochondria is defined by tRNAs acting as recognition sites for nucleases to release flanking transcripts. The relevant factors, their structures, and mechanism are well described, but not all mitochondrial transcripts are punctuated by tRNAs, and their mode of processing has remained unsolved.
Pain coping tools for children and young adults with a neurodevelopmental disability: A systematic review of measurement propertiesTo systematically identify and evaluate the measurement properties of patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) and observer-reported outcome measures (parent proxy report) of pain coping tools that have been used with children and young adults (aged 0–24 years) with a neurodevelopmental disability.
An evaluation of junior doctors’ experience in smoking cessation training in a rural mental health settingThe extent of lung hypoplasia impacts the survival and severity of Smoking prevalence remains high amongst people with mental illness, however, they are less likely to be screened for tobacco dependence and offered treatment to quit.