The Collaboration for Increasing Influenza Vaccination in Children (CIIVIC): a meeting reportThe burden of seasonal influenza disease in Australian children is substantial, especially for those with medical comorbidities including chronic cardiac, respiratory, neurological and immunosuppressive conditions. Influenza is more likely to be severe in children with comorbidities compared to previously healthy children (e.g. more frequent and longer hospitalisation, more frequent intensive care unit admission and requiring respiratory support). Direct protection against influenza by vaccination is critical for children with comorbidities and remains the most effective tool for influenza prevention.
The measurement properties of tests and tools used in cystic fibrosis studies: a systematic reviewThere is no consensus on how best to measure responses to interventions among children and adults with cystic fibrosis (CF). We have systematically reviewed and summarised the characteristics and measurement properties of tests and tools that have been used to capture outcomes in studies among people with CF, including their reliability, validity and responsiveness. This review is intended to guide researchers when selecting tests or tools for measuring treatment effects in CF trials. A consensus set of these tests and tools could improve consistency in how outcomes are captured and thereby facilitate comparisons and synthesis of evidence across studies.
Epidemiology and seasonality of human parainfluenza serotypes 1-3 in Australian childrenParainfluenza viruses are significant contributors to childhood respiratory illness worldwide, although detailed epidemiological studies are lacking. Few recent Australian studies have investigated serotype-specific PIV epidemiology, and there is a paucity of southern hemisphere PIV reports. We report age-stratified PIV hospitalisation rates and a mathematical model of PIV seasonality and dynamics in Western Australia (WA).
Aminoglycoside use in paediatric febrile neutropenia - Outcomes from a nationwide prospective cohort studyAminoglycosides are commonly prescribed to children with febrile neutropenia (FN) but their impact on clinical outcomes is uncertain and extent of guideline compliance is unknown. We aimed to review aminoglycoside prescription and additional antibiotic prescribing, guideline compliance and outcomes for children with FN.
Timeliness and factors associated with rotavirus vaccine uptake among Australian Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children: A record linkage cohort studyAboriginal children are at greater risk of rotavirus disease than non-Aboriginal children and delayed vaccine receipt is substantially higher
Caregiver’s attitudes, beliefs, and experiences for influenza vaccination in Australian children with medical comorbiditiesInfluenza vaccination recommendation by children’s hospital physicians and previous vaccine receipt in hospital was associated with vaccine uptake
Respiratory Syncytial Virus Hospitalization During Pregnancy in 4 High-income Countries, 2010-2016This study addressed respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection during pregnancy
The Impact of Pneumococcal Vaccination on Bacterial and Viral Pneumonia in Western Australian Children: Record Linkage Cohort Study of 469589 Births, 1996-2012We assessed the impact of PCV on all-cause and pathogen-specific pneumonia hospitalizations in Western Australian (WA) children aged 16 years.
Modelling the seasonality of respiratory syncytial virus in young childrenThe transmission dynamics of RSV infection among young children are still poorly understood and mathematical modelling can be used to better understand...
Associate Professor Lea-Ann KirkhamCo-Head, Bacterial Respiratory Infectious Disease Group; Microbiology Lead, Wesfarmers Centre of Vaccines & Infectious Diseases