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Exacerbation of chronic cigarette-smoke induced lung disease by rhinovirus in mice

A significant proportion of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbations are strongly associated with rhinovirus infection (HRV). In this study, we combined long-term cigarette smoke exposure with HRV infection in a mouse model.


Long-term exposure of mice to 890 ppm atmospheric CO2 alters growth trajectories and elicits hyperactive behaviours in young adulthood

Atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels are currently at 418 parts per million (ppm), and by 2100 may exceed 900 ppm. The biological effects of lifetime exposure to CO2 at these levels is unknown. Previously we have shown that mouse lung function is altered by long-term exposure to 890 ppm CO2. Here, we assess the broader systemic physiological responses to this exposure.


In Vitro primary human airway epithelial whole exhaust exposure

The method outlined in this article is a customization of the whole exhaust exposure method generated by Mullins et al. (2016) using reprogrammed primary human airway epithelial cells as described by Martinovich et al. (2017). It has been used successfully to generate recently published data (Landwehr et al. 2021). The goal was to generate an exhaust exposure model where exhaust is collected from a modern engine, real-world exhaust concentrations are used and relevant tissues exposed to assess the effects of multiple biodiesel exposures.


Editorial overview: The physiology of the diseased lung

Citation: Larcombe AN, Noble PB. Editorial overview: The physiology of the diseased lung. Curr Opin Physiol. 2021;23.


Confounding effects of gavage in mice: Impaired respiratory structure and function

It is therefore clear that gavage can have significant impacts on experimental animals in terms of their stress response and overall morbidity and mortality


Biodiesel exhaust: The need for a systematic approach to health effects research

Biodiesel is a generic term for fuel that can be made from virtually any plant or animal oil via transesterification of triglycerides with an alcohol...


Respiratory toxicology of e-cigarettes: effect of vapours on lung function and inflammation

Electronic cigarettes (ECs) have been rapidly gaining ground on conventional cigarettes due to their efficiency in ceasing or reducing tobacco consumption,...


In utero exposure to low dose arsenic via drinking water impairs early life lung mechanics in mice

All alterations to lung mechanics following in utero arsenic exposure were recovered by adulthood.


The mechanism of deep inspiration-induced bronchoprotection: Evidence from a mouse model

In healthy individuals, deep inspirations (DIs) taken prior to a bronchial challenge reduce the bronchoconstrictor response, which is termed...


Emerging issues in the Pacific Basin

This review provides a snapshot of some key environmental health issues that will provide ongoing challenges for the Pacific Basin region in the coming decades