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Young Aboriginal women's voices on pregnancy care: Factors encouraging antenatal engagement

Understanding young Aboriginal women's views on pregnancy care is important knowledge to assist maternity services develop localised pathways that encourage...


Suicide trends in Western Australia: an urgent call to action

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention Evaluation project will evaluate the effectiveness of existing suicide prevention services and...


Trimodal skin health programme for childhood impetigo control in remote Western Australia (SToP): a cluster randomised, stepped-wedge trial

Skin infections affect physical health and, through stigma, social-emotional health. When untreated, they can cause life-threatening conditions. We aimed to assess the effect of a holistic, co-designed, region-wide skin control programme on the prevalence of impetigo.


Development, construct validity and utility of a cross-culturally adapted Otitis Media-6 (OM-6) questionnaire for urban Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander children

Tamara Chris Valerie Veselinovic Brennan-Jones Swift MClinAud PhD Clinical Research Fellow Head, Ear and Hearing Health Aboriginal Co-Director,


Notification of acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease in hospitalised people in the Midwest region of Western Australia, 2012–2022: a retrospective cohort study

Acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease are caused by untreated group A streptococcus infections. Their prevalence is much higher among First Nations people than other Australians. 


Vision loss and diabetic retinopathy prevalence and risk among a cohort of Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians with type 2 diabetes receiving renal haemodialysis treatment

Diabetic nephropathy, vision loss and diabetic retinopathy are frequent comorbidities among individuals with type 2 diabetes (T2D). The Retinopathy in People Currently On Renal Dialysis study sought to examine the epidemiology and risk of vision impairment and among a cohort of Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians with T2D currently receiving haemodialysis for end-stage renal failure.  


Prevalence and burden of coronary artery disease on computed tomography coronary angiography and its correlation with high-density lipoprotein in the Northern Territory, Australia

Indigenous Australians are known to have a higher prevalence of coronary artery disease (CAD) than non-Indigenous counterparts. Atherogenic lipid profiles, characterised by low serum levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and higher serum triglycerides, have been shown to be more prevalent in Indigenous Australians. The use of computed tomography coronary angiography (CTCA) for risk stratification and diagnosis of CAD has been validated in moderate risk populations, but limited data exists in specific high-risk populations such as Indigenous Australians.


Ngulluk Moort, Ngulluk Boodja, Ngulluk Wirin (our family, our country, our spirit): An Aboriginal Participatory Action Research study protocol

We are working with the leadership and staff at foster care agencies and community members to provide information about cultural connection, and cultural activity and resources for Aboriginal children living in non-Aboriginal care arrangements.


The Australian Traumatic Brain Injury Initiative: Single Data Dictionary to Predict Outcome for People With Moderate-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury

In this series of eight articles, the Australian Traumatic Brain Injury Initiative consortium describes the Australian approach used to select the common data elements collected acutely that have been shown to predict outcome following moderate-severe traumatic brain injury across the lifespan.


The Koolungar Moorditj Healthy Skin Project: Elder and Community Led Resources Strengthen Aboriginal Voice for Skin Health

In partnership with local Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations, the Elder-led co-designed Koolungar Moorditj Healthy Skin project is guided by principles of reciprocity, capacity building, respect, and community involvement. Through this work, the team of Elders, community members, clinicians and research staff have gained insight into the skin health needs of urban-living Aboriginal koolungar (children); and having identified a lack of targeted and culturally appropriate health literacy and health promotion resources on moorditj (strong) skin, prioritised development of community-created healthy skin resources.