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Estimating pneumococcal vaccine coverage among Australian Indigenous children and children with medically at-risk conditions using record linkage

Risk-based recommendations are common for pneumococcal vaccines but little is known about their uptake. In Australia, pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) was funded only for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander (Indigenous) children and those with underlying medical conditions in 2001, and then there were different booster dose recommendations depending on risk after the introduction of universal PCV vaccination in 2005.


Culturally competent communication in Indigenous disability assessment: a qualitative study

Indigenous people tend to exhibit a higher burden of disability than their non-Indigenous counterparts, and are often underserved by disability services. Engaging appropriately with Indigenous communities, families and individuals in the initial stages of disability assessment and planning is crucial in order to build trust and understanding of disability service models and ensure that Indigenous people receive support that is tailored to their needs and cultural realities. This article aims to identify key elements of culturally competent communication in Indigenous disability assessment and planning, and provide recommendations for strengthening capacity in this area.


Co-Designing Health Service Evaluation Tools That Foreground First Nation Worldviews for Better Mental Health and Wellbeing Outcomes

It is critical that health service evaluation frameworks include Aboriginal people and their cultural worldviews from design to implementation. During a large participatory action research study, Elders, service leaders and Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal researchers co-designed evaluation tools to test the efficacy of a previously co-designed engagement framework. Through a series of co-design workshops, tools were built using innovative collaborative processes that foregrounded Aboriginal worldviews.


Identifying young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in linked administrative data: A comparison of methods

In the ongoing debate on optimum methods for identification of Indigenous people within linked administrative data, few studies have examined the impacts of method on population counts and outcomes in family-based linkage studies of Aboriginal children.


BUILDING A STRONGER TOMORROW: Connecting our communities through Culture

Bring together experts, leaders and members of the national and international Indigenous community to identify culturally appropriate approaches to suicide prevention


Delivering Elder- and Community-Led Aboriginal Early Childhood Development Research: Lessons from the Ngulluk Koolunga Ngulluk Koort Project

We describe the application of a participatory action research methodology that is grounded in Aboriginal worldviews


Wongi mi bardup (doing it our way): Methodologies promoting Aboriginal knowledges and cultural practices for Birthing on Noongar Boodjar

This paper sets out the methodological and theoretical considerations which framed how the Birthing on Noongar Boodjar project was conducted

Glenn Pearson's dream - improving Aboriginal child health

As Head of Aboriginal Research Development at Telethon Kids, Glenn Pearson believes his work brings us closer to identifying the real and whole Australian story

News & Events

The Kids Research Institute Australia staff appointed to new Aboriginal research advisory committee

The Kids Research Institute Australia has welcomed the establishment of an expert committee to guide decision-making around Aboriginal health and medical research in Western Australia.