The gap in life expectancy from preventable physical illness in psychiatric patients in Western AustraliaDespite knowledge about excess mortality in people with mental illness, the gap in their life expectancy compared with the general population has widened...
In utero hypertensive diseases and cognition in offspring into old ageHypertensive diseases of pregnancy including gestational hypertension and preeclampsia continue to pose a major obstetric risk,...
Dog walking is associated with more outdoor play and independent mobility for childrenIt is plausible that dog-facilitated activity rather than dog ownership per se encourages children's physical activity behaviors.
Socioeconomic disparities in the mental health of Indigenous children in Western AustraliaThe burden of mental health problems among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children is a major public health problem in Australia.
SunSmart messaging for WA young peopleEngaging young people in sun safety messaging is important because they are vulnerable to the harmful long-term effects of too much sun exposure.
Diet culture on TikTok: a descriptive content analysisTo investigate how dieting is portrayed on TikTok and the potential implications for public health considering the effect of diet culture on eating disorders amongst young people.
A novel skin cancer prevention strategy: Preservice teachers' perceptions of a sun safety intervention and experiences in schoolsTeachers play a vital role in developing children's sun protection routines however upskilling preservice teachers (PSTs) while at university has not yet been trialled as a targeted skin cancer prevention strategy. Hence, this study investigated PSTs perceptions and experiences of sun safety following a brief pilot intervention and placement in primary schools in Western Australia.
“Connection, community and convenience”: A case study of a Facebook group for fathers navigating parenthoodFathers remain less likely to participate in parenting interventions which can limit their ability to receive support and build their parenting capacity. The advent of social media has engendered novel opportunities for fathers to connect with, and support, one another in the form of online peer support. Growth of these online communities exemplifies the demand from fathers to relate to other fathers who are navigating parenthood. However, the benefits of membership to these communities remain unclear.
Prevalence and risk factors of adverse birth outcomes in the Pacific Island region: A scoping reviewPrevalence and exposures of adverse birth outcomes is well studied in low-and-middle-income countries but not well-established for the Pacific Island region. Our study mapped the available evidence on low birth weight (LBW), preterm birth, and small for gestational age (SGA)'s prevalence and their corresponding risks in the region.
Bullying and psychosocial adjustment among children with and without asthmaChildren with asthma face serious mental health risk, but the pathways remain unclear. This study aimed to examine bullying victimisation and perpetration in children with asthma and a comparison sample without a chronic health condition, and the role of bullying in moderating psychosocial adjustment outcomes for those with asthma. A sample of children with and without asthma, and their parents, were recruited from hospital clinics.