The influence of the neighborhood physical environment on early child health and development: A review and call for researchThis review examines evidence of the association between the neighborhood built environment, green spaces and outdoor home area, and early (0-7 years) child...
Measuring Severity of Mental Disorders with the Young Minds Matter: Parent/Carer-Reported Impact ItemsThis document describes the calibration of the parent/carer reported impact items developed for use in the Second Australian Child & Adolescent Survey of...
Relationships between Psychosocial Resilience and Physical Health Status of Western Australian Urban Aboriginal YouthThe aim of this study was to investigate the extent to which factors previously documented as buffering the impact of high-risk family environments on...
Early life events and motor development in childhood and adolescence: A longitudinal studyAntenatal, perinatal and neonatal factors affecting motor development from late childhood to adolescence were explored.
Longitudinal impact of the Cyber Friendly Schools program on adolescents' cyberbullying behaviorCyber Friendly Schools program was associated with significantly greater declines in the odds of involvement in cyber-victimization and perpetration
Using online environments to build school staff capacity to address student wellbeingTeachers and school executive teams are often required to address health and wellbeing issues affecting students' learning
Disruptive mood dysregulation disorderThe new diagnostic category of disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (DMDD) was introduced in DSM-5
Why do psychiatric patients have higher cancer mortality rates when cancer incidence is the same or lower?People with mental illness are no more likely than the general population to develop cancer but more likely to die of it
Developmental trajectories of sleep problems from childhood to adolescence both predict and are predicted by emotional and behavioral problemsFindings from this study provide empirical evidence for the heterogeneity of sleep problems and their development
Using acute tryptophan depletion to investigate predictors of treatment response in adolescents with major depressive disorderThe major hypothesis of this study is that acute tryptophan depletion will be negatively associated with mood and cognitive functioning