The role of bacterial infections during infancy in asthma developmentIn this project we are studying how interactions between bacteria and viruses in children's airways promote the development of allergy and asthma.
Influence of Toxoplasma gondii on host cell functionToxoplasma gondii is a ubiquitous pathogen capable of infecting animals, including humans, & is a significant health burden in developed/developing countries
Breastfeeding and motor development: A longitudinal cohort studyEarly life feeding practices have an influence on motor development outcomes into late childhood and adolescence independent of sociodemographic factors
Provision of Engagement Services for the AEDCSupport services to the Department of Education and Training and the AEDC State and Territory Coordinators and their support staff across Australia.
Targeting the mucosal immune system in a mouse model to prevent pregnancy complications following maternal bacterial infectionThis work is the first step to develop safe treatments for pregnant mums to protect against preterm delivery and low birth weight caused by maternal infections.
Language in Little Ones (LiLO)The Language in Little Ones (LiLO) study is a five-year longitudinal study (2017-2021), funded through the National Health and Medical Research Council. The study investigates the quantity and quality of language exposure in the home environment during the first five years of a child’s life.
Epidemiology of childhood diabetes in Western AustraliaThe objectives of this study are to study the epidemiology of childhood diabetes in Western Australia from 1985 onwards.

The Sibling ProjectThe Sibling Project focuses on the wellbeing, relationships and needs of children, adolescents and emerging adults who have a sibling with a developmental disability.