Immunobiology & Immunotherapeutic ProgramListed are The Kids Research Institute Australia research teams involved in our Immunity and Inflammation Program. This program sits under the Early Environment research theme.
Maternal serum unmetabolized folic acid concentration following multivitamin and mineral supplementation with or without folic acid after 12 weeks gestation: A randomized controlled trialPregnant women are advised to take folic acid (FA) supplements before conception and during the first trimester of pregnancy. Many women continue FA supplementation throughout pregnancy, and concerns have been raised about associations between excessive FA intake and adverse maternal and child health outcomes.
Impaired calcium influx underlies skewed T helper cell differentiation in children with IgE-mediated food allergiesReasons for Th2 skewing in IgE-mediated food allergies remains unclear. Clinical observations suggest impaired T cell activation may drive Th2 responses evidenced by increased atopic manifestations in liver transplant patients on tacrolimus (a calcineurin inhibitor). We aimed to assess differentiation potential, T cell activation and calcium influx of naïve CD4+ T cells in children with IgE-mediated food allergies.
The SYMBA Study - Promoting Gut Health (SYMBiosis) for Allergy preventionDebbie Susan Desiree Palmer Prescott Silva BSc BND PhD MBBS BMedSci PhD FRACP MBBS, FRACP, MPH, PhD Head, Early Life & Life-Course Health Program;
Food Proteins in Human Breast Milk and Probability of IgE-Mediated Allergic Reaction in Children During Breastfeeding: A Systematic ReviewPrevious reports suggested that food proteins present in human milk (HM) may trigger symptoms in allergic children during breastfeeding, but existing evidence has never been reviewed systematically.
Prebiotics: mechanisms and preventive effects in allergyIn this review, we describe both the mechanisms and the therapeutic evidence from preclinical and clinical studies exploring the role of prebiotics in allergy prevention
Histological predictors of outcome for cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma in renal transplant patients: A case-control studyCutaneous squamous cell carcinoma is a significant cause of morbidity for immunosuppressed patients such as organ transplant recipients; however, histological parameters which predict the likelihood of tumor progression are typically based on general population studies in which immunosuppressed patients represent only a small fraction of cases.
World Allergy Organization (WAO) Diagnosis and Rationale for Action against Cow's Milk Allergy (DRACMA) guidelines update – X – Breastfeeding a baby with cow's milk allergyCow's milk allergy is rare in exclusively breastfed infants. To support the continuation of breastfeeding an infant after diagnosis with a cow's milk allergy, it is critical to examine the evidence for and against any form of cow's milk elimination diet for lactating mothers. In this narrative review, we highlight the lack of high-quality evidence, hence subsequent controversy, regarding whether the minuscule quantities of cow's milk proteins detectable in human milk cause infant cow's milk allergy symptoms.
Maternal prebiotic supplementation during pregnancy and lactation modifies the microbiome and short chain fatty acid profile of both mother and infantImproving maternal gut health in pregnancy and lactation is a potential strategy to improve immune and metabolic health in offspring and curtail the rising rates of inflammatory diseases linked to alterations in gut microbiota. Here, we investigate the effects of a maternal prebiotic supplement (galacto-oligosaccharides and fructo-oligosaccharides), ingested daily from <21 weeks' gestation to six months' post-partum, in a double-blinded, randomised placebo-controlled trial.
Maternal Allergic Disease Phenotype and Infant Birth Season Influence the Human Milk MicrobiomeEarly infancy is a critical period for immune development. In addition to being the primary food source during early infancy, human milk also provides multiple bioactive components that shape the infant gut microbiome and immune system and provides a constant source of exposure to maternal microbiota. Given the potential interplay between allergic diseases and the human microbiome, this study aimed to characterise the milk microbiome of allergic mothers.