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Development of a Model of Care resource for FASD in the justice system

This article describes the development of a Model of Care resource to support youth involved with the justice system where a neurodevelopmental disability such as Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder is suspected. Service staff within the Youth Justice sector were engaged in an iterative process of resource development over a 9-month period.


Examining parent use of specific intervention techniques during a 12-week training program based on the Early Start Denver Model

This study included five mothers of young children with autism who participated in a 12-week parent training program based on the Early Start Denver Model


The misnomer of ‘high functioning autism’: Intelligence is an imprecise predictor of functional abilities at diagnosis

We argue that 'high functioning autism' is an inaccurate clinical descriptor when based solely on intelligence quotient demarcations


Do sex hormones at birth predict later-life economic preferences? Evidence from a pregnancy birth cohort study: Hormones at birth and preferences

Economic preferences may be shaped by exposure to sex hormones around birth. Prior studies of economic preferences and numerous other phenotypic characteristics use digit ratios (2D : 4D), a purported proxy for prenatal testosterone exposure, whose validity has recently been questioned. We use direct measures of neonatal sex hormones (testosterone and oestrogen), measured from umbilical cord blood (n = 200) to investigate their association with later-life economic preferences (risk preferences, competitiveness, time preferences and social preferences) in an Australian cohort (Raine Study Gen2).


Mental Health Correlates of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Gender Diverse Young People: Evidence from a Specialised Child and Adolescent Gender Clinic in Australia

Current findings indicate that gender diverse children and adolescents with indicated ASD comprise an especially vulnerable group at risk of mental health difficulties


“It Was Such a Different Experience”: a Qualitative Study of Parental Perinatal Experiences When Having a Subsequent Child After Having a Child Diagnosed with Autism

Children who have an older sibling diagnosed with autism have an increased likelihood of being diagnosed with autism or developing broader developmental difficulties. This study explored perinatal experiences of parents of a child diagnosed with autism, spanning pre-conception until the subsequent child’s early developmental period.


Early Intervention Delivery Methods for New Zealand Children with Autism: Current Practices Versus Parental Preferences

Little is known about parent preferences regarding delivery methods of early interventions. This research examined, through parent report, the current and preferred delivery methods of seven common educational early interventions accessed by New Zealand children with autism spectrum disorder.


Brain-behavior links in autism spectrum disorder across the lifespan

Andrew Videos Whitehouse Watch and listen to Andrew PhD Angela Wright Bennett Professor of Autism Research at The Kids Research Institute Australia;


Co-occurring intellectual disability and autism: Associations with stress, coping, time use, and quality of life in caregivers

Having a child on the autism spectrum (AS) is known to impact caregiver quality of life (QoL), time use, and stress. A co-occurring diagnosis of intellectual disability (ID) is common among children on the autism spectrum, with ID itself impacting caregiver outcomes. This study sought to understand how co-occurring ID in children on the autism spectrum may influence caregiver-related outcomes. Secondary analysis of survey data from caregivers of 278 children on the autism spectrum with (n = 62) and without (n = 216) co-occurring ID was conducted, exploring impacts on caregiver QoL, stress, coping, and time-use.


Developmental vitamin D deficiency produces behavioral phenotypes of relevance to Autism in an animal model

Here we investigate these features in an animal model related to autism spectrum disorder - the DVD-deficient rat