Persistent and compartmentalised disruption of dendritic cell subpopulations in the lung following influenza A virus infectionImmunological homeostasis in the respiratory tract is thought to require balanced interactions between networks of dendritic cell (DC) subsets in lung...
The Respiratory Environmental Health team conducts research in early life determinants of lung growth and development, respiratory environmental health, and mechanisms of airway dysfunction in asthma and other respiratory disease.
Fetal alcohol exposure, nutritional status and epigenetic disruption – exploring the linksAlexander David Martyn Larcombe Martino Symons BScEnv (Hons) PhD BSc PhD B.A. (Hons) PhD. Head, Respiratory Environmental Health Head, Clinical
The health effects of electronic cigarettesAlexander Larcombe BScEnv (Hons) PhD Head, Respiratory Environmental Health Team Leader, Respiratory Environmental Health Associate Professor
Mouse Lung Structure and Function after Long-Term Exposure to an Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Level Predicted by Climate Change ModelingClimate change models predict that atmospheric carbon dioxide [CO2] levels will be between 700 and 900 ppm within the next 80yrs. In this study we aimed to assess the respiratory structure and function effects of long-term exposure to 890ppm CO2 from preconception to adulthood using a mouse model.
Pharmacological ablation of the airway smooth muscle layer—Mathematical predictions of functional improvement in asthmaFindings provide further proof of concept that pharmacological targeting of airway smooth muscle thickness will be beneficial and may be facilitated by azithromycin
Editorial overview: Endocrine and metabolic adaptations to extreme environments: Living life to the extreme – insights into the limits of life and transitions to diseaseThe need to understand responses to extreme environments has prompted this edition of Current Opinion in Endocrine and Metabolic Research
Intrauterine growth restriction affects diaphragm function in adult female and male miceSex and intrauterine growth restriction independently affect diaphragm contraction in adult mice without changes in structure
Independent and combined effects of airway remodelling and allergy on airway responsivenessThere was a positive relationship between the thickness of the airway smooth muscle layer with airway responsiveness, which was shifted upward in the presence of allergy
Fragranced consumer products: effects on asthmatic AustraliansMost asthmatics would prefer workplaces, healthcare facilities, and environments that are fragrance-free, which could help reduce adverse effects