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State Government boost for vital child health research

Eight The Kids Research Institute Australia-led projects will benefit from a Western Australian Government boost to health research for the State’s children and young people.


Treatment for Childhood and Adolescent Dissociation: A Systematic Review

Dissociative symptoms are linked to experiences of trauma, often originating in childhood and adolescence. Dissociative disorders are associated with a high burden of illness and a poor quality of life. Despite evidence suggesting that early intervention can improve outcomes, little research exists on the treatment of dissociative disorders in childhood and adolescence.


Global change, climate change, and asthma in children: Direct and indirect effects - A WAO Pediatric Asthma Committee Report

The twenty-first century has seen a fundamental shift in disease epidemiology with anthropogenic environmental change emerging as the likely dominant factor affecting the distribution and severity of current and future human disease. This is especially true of allergic diseases and asthma with their intimate relationship with the natural environment.


Rationale for use for monoclonal antibody and anti-cytokine therapy for multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children: A systematic review

Objective: To review systematically the rationale for choice and use of monoclonal antibody and anti-cytokine therapy in multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children.


The seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2-specific antibodies in Australian children: A crosssectional study

Following reduction of public health and social measures concurrent with SARS-CoV-2 Omicron emergence in late 2021 in Australia, COVID-19 case notification rates rose rapidly. As rates of direct viral testing and reporting dropped, true infection rates were most likely to be underestimated.


Protocol for the Australian Type 1 Diabetes National Screening Pilot: Assessing the feasibility and acceptability of three general population screening models in children

One third of Australian children diagnosed with type 1 diabetes present with life-threatening diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) at diagnosis. Screening for early-stage, presymptomatic type 1 diabetes, with ongoing follow-up, can substantially reduce this risk (<5% risk). Several screening models are being trialled internationally, without consensus on the optimal approach. This pilot study aims to assess three models for a routine, population-wide screening programme in Australia.


Respiratory infection- and asthma-prone, low vaccine responder children demonstrate distinct mononuclear cell DNA methylation pathways

nfants with frequent viral and bacterial respiratory infections exhibit compromised immunity to routine immunizations. They are also more likely to develop chronic respiratory diseases in later childhood. This study investigated the feasibility of epigenetic profiling to reveal endotype-specific molecular pathways with potential for early identification and immuno-modulation. 


Towards Harmonized Adolescent Health Measurement: Assessing Alignment Between Current Recommendations and the Global Action for Measurement of Adolescent Health–Recommended Indicators

This study identified alignment of indicators across different initiatives and data collection instruments as a foundation for future harmonization of adolescent health measurement.

News & Events

Five researchers from The Kids awarded Early Career Child Health Researcher Fellowships

Five researchers from The Kids Research Institute Australia have been awarded three-year fellowships with the aim of keeping more WA-based PhD graduates involved in child health research.

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Researching support needs for dads with children in preterm care

The mental health and wellbeing of new fathers whose children end up in neonatal intensive care is the focus of a new project to be led by The Kids Research Institute Australia researchers, thanks to a $388,000 grant from Healthway.