The Sibling ProjectThe Sibling Project focuses on the wellbeing, relationships and needs of children, adolescents and emerging adults who have a sibling with a developmental disability.
Bush Tucker and Vitamin DBrad Carol Shelley Farrant Michie Gorman Investigators Andrea Begley Dr Andrea Begley is an advanced accredited practicing dietitian with a focus on public health nutrition. Andrea is currently an Associate Professor in the School of Population
Stigma and mental health in teenagers who are attracted to the same genderYael Perry BPsych (Hons) MPsych (Clin) PhD Program Head, Mental Health & Youth; Head, Youth Mental Health 08 6319 1298 Program Head, Mental Health & Youth; Head, Youth Mental Health @yaelperry she/her/hers A/Prof Yael Perry
Mind The DistanceYael Penelope Keely Bep Amy Helen Perry Strauss Bebbington Uink Finlay-Jones Milroy BPsych (Hons) MPsych (Clin) PhD BA, MPH, PhD MClinPsych/PhD BPsych(Hons.), MAppPsy(Clinical), PhD BPsych(Hons), MPsych(Clinical), MHealthEcon, PhD (Clin Psych) MBBS;
Mind The DistanceYael Jacinta Penelope Keely Bep Amy Helen Claire Perry Freeman Strauss Bebbington Uink Finlay-Jones Milroy McIlroy BPsych (Hons) MPsych (Clin) PhD BScs, MPH BA, MPH, PhD MClinPsych/PhD BPsych(Hons.), MAppPsy(Clinical), PhD BPsych(Hons), MPsych(