Building a culturally safe mental health system for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young peopleThe impact of colonisation, genocide, and continuing discriminatory policies have created a context for ongoing disadvantage, trauma, and high rates of mental health issues for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people.
A trauma-focused program for childhood and adolescent dissociationDissociation is the act of separating oneself from reality and is often used by children and young people to disconnect from traumatic experiences.
Review of Universal Access Funded Aboriginal Children with Hearing Impairment Support ProgramIn 2021 the South Australian Department for Education commissioned The Kids Research Institute Australia to undertake a review of the Hearing Impairment Support Program (HISP).
Evaluation of the Positive Parenting ProgramIn 2016, the Australian Centre for Child Protection (ACCP) and The Kids Research Institute Australia (The Kids) were engaged to evaluate the implementation and impact of Triple P in South Australia.
Analysis of gender differences between boys and girls in South AustraliaThe Department for Education commissioned this report to understand how such gender differences in early childhood may influence outcomes later in life.