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Reports and Findings


In utero hypertensive diseases and cognition in offspring into old age

Hypertensive diseases of pregnancy including gestational hypertension and preeclampsia continue to pose a major obstetric risk,...


Early development and regression in Rett syndrome

Our findings provide additional insight into the early clinical profile of Rett syndrome.


Fructose intake and food sources in West Australian adolescents

This research aimed to cross-sectionally quantify fructose consumption and identify major food sources of fructose in adolescents...


How training affects Australian paediatricians' management of obesity

Secondary care could be the optimal sector for managing child and adolescent obesity, given low primary care uptake and limited tertiary services.


Acute Rheumatic Fever and Chronic Rheumatic Disease

This chapter describes the epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnostic criteria, and management principles of acute rheumatic fever.


Privacy protectionism and health information: Is there any redress for harms to health?

Health information collected by governments can be a valuable resource for researchers seeking to improve diagnostics, treatments and public health outcomes.


Adolescent peer aggression and its association with mental health and substance use in an Australian cohort

Prospective longitudinal birth cohort data was used to examine the association between peer aggression at 14yrs and mental health and substance use at 17yrs...


Environmental Risk Factors by Gender Associated With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Our study investigates the maternal, pregnancy, and newborn risk factors by gender for children prescribed stimulant medication for treatment of ADHD in WA.