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Reports and Findings


Toll-like receptor 2 ligands inhibit Th2 responses to mite allergen

There is intense interest in the interaction between microbial compounds and allergy.


Patterns trends and increasing disparities in mortality for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal infants born in Western Australia 1980-2001: population database study

Since there are known disparities between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal populations in Australia, trends in infant mortality rates can be used to assess the...


NTNG1 mutations are a rare cause of Rett syndrome

A translocation that disrupted the netrin G1 gene (NTNG1) was recently reported in a patient with the early seizure variant of Rett syndrome (RTT).


Immunogenicity and boosting following a reduced number of doses of a Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine in infants and toddlers

The minimum number of doses of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine required for protection is not known. We studied the immunogenicity of a reduced schedule in...


Independent effects of socioeconomic status and place of residence on the incidence of type 1 diabetes in Western Australia

To analyze the incidence of type 1 diabetes in 0- to 14-year olds in Western Australia, from 1985 to 2002, by region and socioeconomic status.


Rett syndrome in Australia: a review of the epidemiology

To examine the prevalence, cumulative incidence, and survival in an Australian cohort with Rett syndrome (RTT).


Safety and immunogenicity of a combined DTPa-IPV vaccine administered as a booster from 4 years of age: a review

A combined DTPa-IPV booster vaccine was administered as a 4th or 5th dose after DTPa or DTPw priming.


The association between behaviour and genotype in Rett Syndrome using the Australian Rett Syndrome Database

This study compared the behavior profile of cases in the Australian Rett Syndrome Database (ARSD) with those in a British study using the Rett Syndrome...


The First Research Report: patterns and trends in mortality of Western Australian infants, children and young people 1980-2002

The Advisory Council on the Prevention of Deaths of Children and Young People today officially released this report.