Learn with The Kids – suitable for kids and schools
Discover resources and science activities for kids for the topic 'Wellbeing and Happiness'.
News & Events
Our popular workshops are back these school holidaysOur popular workshops for kids are back these school holidays and we have a jam-packed program full of fun and engaging science activities!
While the Discovery Centre is free to use, we do appreciate all donations no matter how small they are. This will ensure that it remains free in the future.
The Sore Throat Study is looking for healthy children and young people to take part in a new study investigating sore throats, also known as pharyngitis, and how best to prevent them.
The Respiratory Physiology Platform at the Wal-yan Respiratory Research Centre offers access to specialist equipment housed within the outpatient research department at Perth Children’s Hospital, dedicated for research use.
News & Events
Researchers one step closer to preventing asthma in childrenWal-yan Respiratory Research Centre PhD student Niamh Troy has found how OM85 helps babies fight off severe lung infections.
News & Events
Thumbs up from first preterm study participant to use new lung function testing equipmentNatasha, who is a participant in the West Australian Lung Health in Prematurity (WALHIP) study, this week became the first person to receive a lung health assessment using new state-of-the-art lung function testing equipment at Perth Children’s Hospital.
News & Events
Wal-yan Centre welcomes new PhD scholarship awardeeThe Wal-yan Respiratory Research Centre this month welcomed new PhD scholarship awardee Yaqin Alziyadat, whose exciting research work will support the Centre’s vision to ensure all children have healthy lungs for life.
News & Events
Perth campaign aims to raise awareness of dangers of a chronic wet cough in Aboriginal childrenAn intensive health promotion campaign which aims to raise awareness of the dangers of a chronic wet cough in Aboriginal children launched this month in Perth.