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Low-dose UV radiation before running wheel access activates brown adipose tissue

When combined with physical activity, low-dose UVR may more effectively limit adiposity and modulate metabolic and immune pathways in iBAT


Recalling our day in the sun: comparing long-term recall of childhood sun exposure with prospectively collected parent-reported data

Group data from retrospective recall of sun-related behaviours may be of limited value in studying the relationship between sun exposure and health outcomes;


Trans Young People’s Experiences of Nonsuicidal Self-Injury

Nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) is particularly common among trans young people. Trans young people tend to experience high levels of emotional distress due to the unique stressors they face, and often use NSSI as an emotion regulation strategy. These stressors include gender dysphoria, body image concerns, and transphobic experiences.


Developmental trends in young children’s device-measured physical activity and sedentary behaviour

Knowledge of developmental trends in meeting age-specific 24-hour movement behaviour guidelines is lacking. This study describes developmental trends in device-measured physical activity and sedentary time over a three-year period among Western Australian children aged two to seven years, including differences between boys and girls.


SMS-based interventions for improving child and adolescent vaccine coverage and timeliness: a systematic review

The aim of this review was to investigate the impact of short message service (SMS)-based interventions on childhood and adolescent vaccine coverage and timeliness. 


Improving screening in a paediatric cohort for cystic fibrosis-related diabetes: A quality improvement project

André Schultz MBChB, PhD, FRACP Program Head, Respiratory Health RFA Program Head, Respiratory Health RFA Prof André Schultz is the Program Head of


Process evaluation of a randomised controlled trial intervention designed to improve rehabilitation services for Aboriginal Australians after brain injury: the Healing Right Way Trial

Healing Right Way (HRW) aimed to improve health outcomes for Aboriginal Australians with stroke or traumatic brain injury by facilitating system-level access to culturally secure rehabilitation services. Using a stepped-wedge randomised controlled trial design, a two-pronged intervention was introduced in four rural and four urban hospitals, comprising cultural security training for staff and training/employment of Aboriginal Brain Injury Coordinators to support Aboriginal patients for 6-months post-injury.


Predictors of Change in Wellbeing and Mental Health of Parents of Autistic Pre-Schoolers

Parenting is a rewarding experience but is not without its challenges. Parents of Autistic children face additional challenges, and as a result can experience lower levels of wellbeing and more mental health problems (i.e., depression, anxiety, stress). Previous studies have identified concurrent correlates of wellbeing and mental health.


Development of a Model of Care resource for FASD in the justice system

This article describes the development of a Model of Care resource to support youth involved with the justice system where a neurodevelopmental disability such as Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder is suspected. Service staff within the Youth Justice sector were engaged in an iterative process of resource development over a 9-month period.


Outbreak investigation of norovirus gastroenteritis in a childcare facility in Central Queensland, Australia: a household level case series analysis

Noroviruses are one of the most common causes of gastroenteritis in all age groups, including children. However, little has been reported on the transmission of norovirus within childcare facilities and the subsequent impact at the household level.