Tissue-resident memory T cells orchestrate tumour-immune equilibriumOur findings provide insight into the immune cell populations important for maintaining long-term tumour dormancy in peripheral tissues
Common Pathways to NSSI and Suicide Ideation: The Roles of Rumination and Self-CompassionThe salience of self-compassion offers promise for early intervention initiatives focusing on less judgmental or self-critical means of self-relation
Dietary protein affects both the dose and pattern of insulin delivery required to achieve postprandial euglycaemia in Type 1 diabetes: a randomized trialA high-protein meal requires ~50% more insulin to maintain euglycaemia than a low-protein meal that contains the same quantity of carbohydrate
Persistent negative symptoms in individuals at Ultra High Risk for psychosisPersistent negative symptoms can be detected early, allowing for the identification of a subset of Ultra High Risk patients who are likely to have poor outcome
A large proportion of poor birth outcomes among Aboriginal Western Australians are attributable to smoking, alcohol and substance misuse, and assaultA large proportion of adverse outcomes were attributable to the modifiable risk factors of substance use and assault
Infant removals: The need to address the over-representation of Aboriginal infants and community concerns of another ‘stolen generation’The disparity between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal infant removals needs to be seen as a priority requiring urgent action to prevent further intergenerational trauma
Research priorities for childhood chronic conditions: a workshop reportResearch priorities emphasise a focus on life participation, psychosocial well-being, impact on family and quality of care
Epidemiology of gastrostomy insertion for children and adolescents with intellectual disabilityGastrostomy is increasingly used in multiple neurological conditions associated with intellectual disability, with no apparent accessibility barriers
Powered standing wheelchairs promote independence, health and community involvement in adolescents with Duchenne muscular dystrophyThis study used qualitative methods to explore how adolescents with Duchenne muscular dystrophy used a powered wheelchair standing device in their daily lives
Targeting the bone marrow microenvironment: a novel therapeutic strategy for pre-B acute lymphoblastic leukemiaOur findings shed light on the mechanisms of leukemia-induced bone loss