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Interactions between acute lymphoblastic leukemia and bone marrow stromal cells influence response to therapy

The cure rate for pediatric patients with B precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia (pre-B ALL) is steadily improving, however relapses do occur despite...


The science of prevention for children and youth

The high prevalence of social, emotional and behavioural health problems in children and young people in Australia


Pandemic influenza H1N1 2009 infection in Victoria, Australia

Conflicting findings regarding the level of protection offered by seasonal influenza vaccination against pandemic influenza H1N1 have been reported.


Gene-vitamin D interactions on food sensitization: A prospective birth cohort study

It has been hypothesized that vitamin D deficiency (VDD) contributes to the development of food sensitization (FS) and then food allergy.


Working Together

This exciting new edition includes several new chapters that deliver an even more robust and high quality resource. It examines issues across the life course,..


A diagnostic test for scabies: IgE specificity for a recombinant allergen of Sarcoptes scabiei

Scabies infestations are difficult to diagnose clinically and current serologic tests have less than 50% accuracy...


Does self-esteem mediate the relationship between interpersonal problems and symptoms of disordered eating?

It has been proposed that interpersonal problems play a role in the maintenance of disordered eating because of an adverse effect on self-esteem, which in...

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News & Events

Clinic update - December 2023

There is lots of news to report from the clinic including holiday shutdown dates, appointment scheduling, staff updates, changes to creche, and service availability.

News & Events

Welcome Kandice!

CliniKids is excited to welcome Dr Kandice Varcin to the team as part of a new partnership between The Kids Research Institute Australia and Griffith University.