Mother's love for bacterial babies: the commitment of Audrey Michael, Mition Yoannes and Tilda Orami to medical researchFace-to-face interviews were conducted with all three women for the purpose of profiling women who are leaders in health and medicine in Papua New Guinea.
Multinodular goiter in children: An important pointer to a germline DICER1 mutationThis paper is a clinical report of a boy presenting with a kidney cyst. Family history and genetic analysis revealed the family had a mutation in the DICER1...
The concentration of iron in real-world geogenic PM10 is associated with increased inflammation and deficits in lung function in miceMineral dusts in the occupational setting are associated with poor lung health, however very little is known about the impact of heterogeneous community...
Gender and the active smoking and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein relation in late adolescence.This study examines the effect of smoking on high-sensitivity CRP (hs-CRP) levels, and the interactive effects of sex and OC use on this relationship in an...
Lifestyle Factors, Medication Use and Risk for Ischaemic Heart Disease Hospitalisation: A Longitudinal Population-Based StudyThis study investigated the influence of self-reported lifestyle factors on hospitalisation for IHD, stratified by blood pressure and/or lipid-lowering therapy.
Do emotional and behavioural difficulties in primary school predict adolescent victimisation trajectories?The results of this study suggest whole-school bullying intervention programmes need to occur before students reach secondary school.
Comment on "Drug discovery: Turning the titanic"We propose that the molecular and cellular events that govern a resolving, rather than an evolving, disease may reveal new druggable pathways.
Homology modeling and monoclonal antibody binding of the der f 7 dust mite allergenThe group 7 allergens are important allergenic specificities for mite-sensitive patients and may need to be incorporated into new diagnostic and therapeutic...
The hygiene hypothesis revisited: role of materno-fetal interactionsFor 20 years, the hygiene hypothesis has dominated attempts to explain the increasing prevalence of allergic disease. A causal link between maternal innate immu
ADHD is associated with a "Western" dietary pattern in adolescentsThe objective of this study was to examine the relationship between dietary patterns and ADHD in a population-based cohort of adolescents.