Postoperative complications and disposition for vascular surgeryAmong all surgical specialties, vascular surgery has the greatest proportion of patients with unplanned admissions to the intensive care unit postoperatively. Therefore, current clinical pathways for the postoperative management of vascular surgery patients may need to be revised.
Starting the SToP trial: Lessons from a collaborative recruitment approachRecruitment in research can be challenging in Australian Aboriginal contexts. We aimed to evaluate the SToP (See, Treat, Prevent skin infections) trial recruitment approach for Aboriginal families to identify barriers and facilitators and understand the utility of the visual resource used.
The Staphylococcus aureus Network Adaptive Platform Trial Protocol: New Tools for an Old FoeStaphylococcus aureus bloodstream (SAB) infection is a common and severe infectious disease, with a 90-day mortality of 15%-30%. Despite this, <3000 people have been randomized into clinical trials of treatments for SAB infection.
Hypothesis-driven genome-wide association studies provide novel insights into genetics of reading disabilitiesReading Disability is often characterized by difficulties in the phonology of the language. While the molecular mechanisms underlying it are largely undetermined, loci are being revealed by genome-wide association studies.
Perioperative intravenous lidocaine use in childrenPerioperative pain management impacts patient morbidity, quality of life, and hospitalization cost. In children, it impacts not only the child, but the whole family. Adjuncts for improved perioperative analgesia continue to be sought to minimize adverse side effects associated with opioids and for those in whom regional or neuraxial anesthesia is not suitable.
The risk of major structural birth defects associated with seasonal influenza vaccination during pregnancy: A population-based cohort studySeasonal inactivated influenza vaccine (IIV) is routinely recommended during pregnancy to protect both mothers and infants from complications following influenza infection. While previous studies have evaluated the risk of major structural birth defects in infants associated with prenatal administration of monovalent pandemic IIV, fewer studies have evaluated the risk associated with prenatal seasonal IIV.
Adapting a measure of gross motor skills for individuals with CDKL5 deficiency disorder: A psychometric studyValidated measures capable of demonstrating meaningful interventional change in the CDKL5 deficiency disorder (CDD) are lacking. The study objective was to modify the Rett Syndrome Gross Motor Scale (RSGMS) and evaluate its psychometric properties for individuals with CDD.
The Respiratory Microbiome in Paediatric Chronic Wet Cough: What Is Known and Future DirectionsChronic wet cough for longer than 4 weeks is a hallmark of chronic suppurative lung diseases, including protracted bacterial bronchitis, and bronchiectasis in children. Severe lower respiratory infection early in life is a major risk factor of PBB and paediatric bronchiectasis.
Young adult outcomes following premature birth: A Western Australian experienceChildhood outcomes following preterm birth are widely published, however long-term adult outcomes are less well described. We aimed to determine the quality of life and burden of co-morbidities experienced by preterm-born young adults in Western Australia.
The impact for DCD – USA study: The current state of Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) in the United States of AmericaDevelopmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) is among the most under-recognized and under-supported disorders worldwide. The aim of this study was to present a preliminary national study that evaluated the unmet needs of children with DCD in the USA using the Impact for DCD survey.