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Screen Time and Parent-Child Talk When Children Are Aged 12 to 36 Months

Growing up in a language-rich home environment is important for children's language development in the early years. The concept of "technoference" (technology-based interference) suggests that screen time may be interfering with opportunities for talk and interactions between parent and child; however, limited longitudinal evidence exists exploring this association. 


Non-severe thermal burn injuries induce long-lasting downregulation of gene expression in cortical excitatory neurons and microglia

Burn injuries are devastating traumas, often leading to life-long consequences that extend beyond the observable burn scar. In the context of the nervous system, burn injury patients commonly develop chronic neurological disorders and have been suggested to have impaired motor cortex function, but the long-lasting impact on neurons and glia in the brain is unknown.


Multipotent adult progenitor cells prevent functional impairment and improve development in inflammation driven detriment of preterm ovine lungs

Perinatal inflammation increases the risk for bronchopulmonary dysplasia in preterm neonates, but the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms remain largely unknown. Given their anti-inflammatory and regenerative capacity, multipotent adult progenitor cells (MAPC) are a promising cell-based therapy to prevent and/or treat the negative pulmonary consequences of perinatal inflammation in the preterm neonate.


A phase I clinical trial assessing the safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics of inhaled ethanol in humans as a potential treatment for respiratory tract infections

Current treatments for respiratory infections are severely limited. Ethanol's unique properties including antimicrobial, immunomodulatory, and surfactant-like activity make it a promising candidate treatment for respiratory infections if it can be delivered safely to the airway by inhalation. Here, we explore the safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics of inhaled ethanol in a phase I clinical trial.


A health inequality analysis of childhood asthma prevalence in urban Australia

Long-standing health inequalities in Australian society that were exposed by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic were described as "fault lines" in a recent call to action by a consortium of philanthropic organizations. With asthma a major contributor to childhood disease burden, studies of its spatial epidemiology can provide valuable insights into the emergence of health inequalities early in life.


Design and selection of drug properties to increase the public health impact of next-generation seasonal malaria chemoprevention: a modelling study

Seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) is recommended for disease control in settings with moderate to high Plasmodium falciparum transmission and currently depends on the administration of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine plus amodiaquine. 


Postnatal steroids as lung protective and anti-inflammatory in preterm lambs exposed to antenatal inflammation

Lung inflammation and impaired alveolarization precede bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD). Glucocorticoids are anti-inflammatory and reduce ventilator requirements in preterm infants. However, high-dose glucocorticoids inhibit alveolarization. The effect of glucocorticoids on lung function and structure in preterm newborns exposed to antenatal inflammation is unknown. We hypothesise that postnatal low-dose dexamethasone reduces ventilator requirements, prevents inflammation and BPD-like lung pathology, following antenatal inflammation.


PI3K/mTOR is a therapeutically targetable genetic dependency in diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma

Diffuse midline glioma (DMG), including tumors diagnosed in the brainstem (diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma; DIPG), are uniformly fatal brain tumors that lack effective treatment.


Editorial: Vaccines and immunization services during the pandemic era and beyond

Citation: Amponsah-Dacosta E, Fulurija A, Afum-Adjei Awuah A, Mathema S, Wariri O. Editorial: Vaccines and immunization services during the pandemic


The Koolungar Moorditj Healthy Skin Project: Elder and Community Led Resources Strengthen Aboriginal Voice for Skin Health

In partnership with local Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations, the Elder-led co-designed Koolungar Moorditj Healthy Skin project is guided by principles of reciprocity, capacity building, respect, and community involvement. Through this work, the team of Elders, community members, clinicians and research staff have gained insight into the skin health needs of urban-living Aboriginal koolungar (children); and having identified a lack of targeted and culturally appropriate health literacy and health promotion resources on moorditj (strong) skin, prioritised development of community-created healthy skin resources.