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The impact of maternal gestational stress on motor development in late childhood and adolescence: A longitudinal study

The purpose of this article is to investigate whether the number and timing of stressors experienced during pregnancy impacted longterm motor development at...


Is sexual content in new media linked to sexual risk behaviour in young people? A systematic review and meta-analysis

Strong association between self-reported exposure to sexual content in new media and sexual behaviours in young people


Rheumatic heart disease among adults in a mining community of Papua, Indonesia: findings from an occupational cohort

To describe the pattern of RHD occurrence in a sample of presenting cases from an occupational cohort in Papua Province, Indonesia.


Blood micronutrients and DNA damage in children

This is the first study to examine the associations between a range of blood micronutrient levels and DNA damage in healthy children.


Immune responses to a recombinant, four-component, meningococcal serogroup B vaccine (4CMenB) in adolescents

This trial evaluated the lot consistency, early immune responses and safety of the vaccine against serogroup B Neisseria meningitidis (4CMenB) - in 11 to 17...


Comparison of text-messaging to voice telephone interviews for active surveillance of adverse events following immunisation.

This study was designed to compare data collected via SMS and telephone for the purposes of monitoring vaccine safety.


Hierarchy and molecular properties of house dust mite allergens

The allergenic load of house dust mite allergy is largely constituted by a few proteins with a hierarchical pattern of allergenicity.


Fetal growth restriction and risk of cerebral palsy in singletons born after at least 35 weeks' gestation

The objective of the study was to improve the understanding of etiological paths to cerebral palsy (CP) that include fetal growth restriction by examining...


Sleep problems in Rett syndrome

Sleep problems are thought to occur commonly in Rett syndrome, but there has been little research on prevalence or natural history.