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Cystic Fibrosis Early Surveillance Program

Researchers are able to track the progress of lung disease through a comprehensive longitudinal set of biological samples, images and data archives.

Focus Area

Early Environment

The Early Environment research theme consists of four programs: Immunobiology and Immunotherapeutic, Early Life and Life Course Health, Infection and Vaccines, and End RHD.

News & Events

McCusker Charitable Foundation grant in support of the Undiagnosed Diseases Program

The Kids Research Institute Australia congratulates Prof Gareth Baynam and Dr Timo Lassmann on their grant over three years from the McCusker Charitable Foundation.


National Hybrid Closed-Loop Outpatient Trial

The national Hybrid Closed-Loop Outpatient Trial will test the use of an automated insulin delivery system to see if it is better at optimising blood glucose levels than standard therapy.

News & Events

Annual CRE Investigators' Meeting draws researchers from around the world

Between 3rd - 5th May 2018, researchers from Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and the United States (representing their Uganda collaboration) convened in Fremantle, Western Australia to attend the Strep A Spectrum Meetings: from Science to Strategy.


The ARC Centre of Excellence for Children and Families over the Life Course (Life Course Centre or LCC)

The Life Course Centre is a national centre funded by the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence Scheme and hosted through the University of Queensland with collaborating nodes at the University of Western Australia, Sydney University and University of Melbourne.

Learning to cope with uncertainty

A small group program to help parents tackle anxiety in young children diagnosed with autism has found significant improvements in both children’s anxiety and parental mental health and wellbeing.

Applying the arts to wild little hearts

When author Maurice Sendak first sketched out the story of a rambunctious little boy sent to his room without supper, there’s no way he could have known his rollercoaster tale of childhood imagination would still be speaking to the hearts of wild young things more than six decades on.

News & Events

Meet END RHD CRE Researcher Dr Simone Reynolds

Learn more about the background and motivations of END RHD CRE Research Fellow Simone Reynolds.