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Predictors of Outcome in Pediatric Osteomyelitis: Five Years Experience in a Single Tertiary Center

A risk prediction model allows early identification of children at greatest risk of developing complicated osteomyelitis


Is it still correct to differentiate between early and very early onset psychosis?

Larger samples of patients are needed to better understand if the differentiation between very early onset psychosis and early onset psychosis is justified


The inequitable burden of group A streptococcal diseases in Indigenous Australians

Given the ongoing mortality and morbidity from GAS infections, we must address more effectively the treatment and prevention of GAS impetigo and pharyngitis


Biodiesel exhaust-induced cytotoxicity and proinflammatory mediator production in human airway epithelial cells

Canola biodiesel exhaust exposure elicits inflammation and reduces viability of human epithelial cell cultures in vitro when compared with ULSD exhaust exposure


Exploring change in the Australian version of the Early Development Instrument

Calculating a critical difference for the percentage of children who are “at risk” and “on track” in addition to the children who are developmentally “vulnerable”


Whither pertussis?

This article discusses the rising prevalence of pertussis disease in countries which have switched to acellular vaccines.


Using Avoidable Admissions to Measure Quality of Care for Cardiometabolic and other Physical

This paper uses population-based, record-linkage to examine access to appropriate primary care in Australian and Canadian...


Geogenic PM10 exposure exacerbates responses to influenza infection

This study aimed to determine whether chronic, low-dose exposure to geogenic particulate matter <10μm diameter (PM10) exacerbates viral infections of the...


Mapping mammalian cell-type-specific transcriptional regulatory networks using KD-CAGE and ChIP-seq data in the TC-YIK cell line.

Examining the overlap between genes perturbed in the KD-CAGE experiments and genes with a ChIP-seq peak within 50 kb of their promoter, we identified direct...


Pre-existing adversity, level of child protection involvement, and school attendance predict educational outcomes in a longitudinal study.

The current study has three aims. First, to identify the prevalence of low educational achievement among children with different levels of contact with the...