Volatiles or TIVA: Which is the standard of care for pediatric airway procedures? A pro-con discussionThis pro-con discussion examines both volatiles and TIVA, from the perspective of effectiveness, safety, cost, and environmental impact,
Perinatal risk factors associated with skin infection hospitalisation in Western Australian Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal childrenWe have quantified the relative influence of perinatal risk factors associated with skin infection hospitalisations in WA children
A comprehensive app produced by The Kids researchers has offered parents a lifeline as they try to cope with the isolation and disruption caused by coronavirus.
Fieldworkers learning how to collect eHCI data A fieldworker collects data for the eHCI in Tajikistan The rugged, landlocked Central Asian country of
We have developed best-practice suicide prevention guidelines for health professionals and community service providers to help them create safe spaces for LGBTQA+ young people.
A child can’t thrive if they don’t have a roof over their head.
Coconut oil has been used on premature babies to help fight off deadly infections. Researchers are now hoping to prove it is effective for other conditions as well.
One third of Australia’s children will be better supported at school, thanks to a The Kids Research Institute Australia evidence review of what works best to support student behaviour needs.
A long-held belief linking gut bacteria to autism has been debunked by an Australian research team that included researchers from CliniKids at The Kids Research Institute Australia.
Skin health of Aboriginal children living in urban communitiesSkin concerns are frequent among urban-living Aboriginal children, yet specialist dermatology consultations are limited with studies highlighting the need for improved cultural security. Through newly established paediatric dermatology clinics at two urban Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs), we aimed to describe clinic and patient data, including disease frequencies and associations, to inform dermatology service provision and advocacy.