The Child Mortality Research ProgramBrad Carrington Fiona Farrant Shepherd Stanley BSc (Hons), PhD PhD FAA FASSA MSc MD FFPHM FAFPHM FRACP FRANZCOG HonDSc HonDUniv HonFRACGP HonMD
The Early Years PartnershipThe Early Years Partnership is a 10-year (2018-2028) partnership between the WA State Government (Departments of Communities, Health, and Education), Minderoo Foundation and The Kids Research Institute Australia as the evidence and evaluation partner.
The Growth and Resilience in Teachers program (GRIT): Evaluation of a Co- Designed Program for High School Teacher WellbeingMental health problems are prevalent in working populations worldwide. Researchers attribute many of these issues to rising work pressures, which can lead to the development of conditions such as depression, anxiety, distress, and burnout.
The PREDICT StudyTobias Strunk MD, PhD, FRACP Head, Neonatal Health Head, Neonatal Health Clinical Professor Tobias Strunk is a

The Sibling Project focuses on children, adolescents and emerging adults who have a sibling with a disability, investigating their mental health, relationships and quality of life.

Be involved in the Sibling Snapshot Project! Researchers from The Kids Research Institute Australia are conducting research which explores the unique

Join a Focus Group for the Sibling Support Study! Researchers from The Kids Research Institute Australia are conducting research which explores the

We need your help to know whether our ideas and study materials are good, easy to read and presented in the right way.
The Sun Safe app: a new online tool to promote safe sun behaviours by teenagersGail Prue Shelley Alvares Hart Gorman PhD BSc (Hons) MSc PhD BSc (Hons) PhD Senior Research Fellow Honorary Research Fellow Honorary Research
Towards a diagnostic test for rheumatic feverGlenn Jonathan Michael Pat Tim Tobias Pearson Carapetis AM Serralha Holt Barnett Kollmann BA (Education) PhD Candidate AM MBBS FRACP FAFPHM PhD FAHMS